Hole In The Wall

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Pandora's friends had come over to play with Pandora they have watched tv for 30 minutes.

Ronnie the bee felt bored from watching tv "It's kind of boring here."

They went to Shadow's room to find something cool in there.

Monty found Shadow's gun on top of the dresser.

"Wow look at this."

Pandora knows it's dangerous.

"Aww come on faker that's my brother's gun."

Tony was putting bullets in the gun.

Everyone started to play with the loader.

"Guys come on put the gun down it's not a toy."

"If Shadow see you guys playing with the gun we're all going to be in trouble."

Lacey shake her head no.

"Pandora nothings going to happen."

Charlotte accidently pulled the trigger and shot into the wall.


All the sudden they heard Shadow's voice "What was that?"

Jenny frowned at her "Charlotte you idiot you made the hole in the wall." 

"Jenny I didn't mean to my finger slipped."

"I never knew the gun can do much damage." said Monty.

"To be honest It just did." said Izzy.

Jr had no idea that guns are firearms because he has seen guns on tv.

Suddenly they heard footsteps "Uh oh Shadow's coming." said Tony.

Pandora was worried she can get into trouble from her brother.

Shadow saw Pandora holding the gun and she tried to take the bullets out of there.

"Pandora did you made a hole in the wall."

"No!" she said.

"Did you kids did this."

"Who's done it raise your hand?"

Nobody raise their hand.

"Guys what's the right thing to do we lie to Shadow or tell the truth."

Everybody's answer is "Truth."

"Now I'm going to tell you guys again which one of you made a hole in the wall in the hallway."

Charlotte raised her hand.

"Did you do this."


"You guys know that guns are not toys they are firearms you can kill someone with it."

"Sorry Shadow." they all said.

"It's fine just don't touch the gun again I have taught Pandora the dangers of guns and why she can't touch it."

Shadow took the gun away from them and put it in the high place so they can't reach it.

"Hey guys let's play a game how about a game of Uno."

"Sure let's do that."

And so Pandora's friends play a game of Uno while Shadow fix the hole on the wall.

The lesson in the story is Do not play with guns!!!!

Another lesson is for everyone to know is If you ever find the gun anywhere DO NOT TOUCH IT! call 911.

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