Meeting Chase

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Annie the hedgehog had a baby weeks ago his name is Chase the hedgehog she decided to visit his stepbrothers and stepsister.

"Annie so glad to see you." said Shades.

Pandora came out of her room she came to see Annie.

"Hi Annie who's that adorable little baby."

"Pandora meet Chase."

Chase looked at her and smiled.

Shadow saw Chase and asked Annie if he liked to hold him.

She said yes and gave Chase to Shadow.

Chase smiled at him.

"Aww you're cute." he said with a smile.

Pandora seems to like him she did play with him.

Shadow and Annie were having a conversation Shades was keeping his eye on her.

Pandora played peek a boo with him and Shades was making silly faces.

He was gigging and claps his small hands in joy.

Pandora was playing patty cake with him.

Annie and Shadow came to check them.

"Wow Shadow it seems like Pandora is nice to my son I taught her how to get along with babies and other children."

"It seems like you're a good brother to her."


Pandora got out some blocks for Chase to play with.

Pandora showed him how to build it in the tower.

Chase gave it try and he did just right.

"Very good Chase." she said.

Pandora was learning to share.

Pandora sat Chase on her lap, bouncing him a little.

A few minutes later he was getting hungry Pandora presses the bottle gently onto his lips.

Chase was sucking on the bottle.

Shadow looked at Pandora and said "Aww Pandy you're acting so grown up."

"Am I."

Shadow nods and watches as Chase sucks on the bottle.

Chase finishes the whole bottle and pushes it away from his mouth.

Shadow picked him up and patted his back.

He let out a big burp.

He put him down on the floor.

Pandora and Chase were having fun and they got along.

2 hours later.

They both fell asleep Pandora had her arms around Chase.

Annie picked up him carefully and put him in the baby carrier.

"Well thank you so much for visiting us." said Shadow.

"You're welcome." she said.

"Wait before you go I have something for Chase it's my blankie that I had when I was little he can have it."

"Shades you're so sweet."

They said goodbye to her and Shadow carefully picked up Pandora and carried her to her room.

"Well Shades she's all tuckered from the fun."

"Yeah she sure is."

Shades played with his Legos for quiet time.

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