Nap Time

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Pandora was in the basement watching cartoons her favorite show is Looney Tunes.

She was enjoying it until Shadow showed up.

"Time for a nap Pandora." he said.

Pandora didn't like to be interrupt when she's watching her favorite show.

"I'm not tired I just want to watch tv."

"You can watch cartoons later you need to some sleep."

Pandora turned off the tv and Shadow took her by the hand.

Shadow was holding Pandora's hand and took to her room.

Shadow told her to lie down in her bed.

Shadow closed the window curtains and he walked out of her room.

Pandora tried to sleep she closed her eyes very tight but she couldn't sleep.

Pandora got up to a glass of water because she was thirsty.

Shadow saw her in the kitchen.

"Go take your nap and you won't be thirsty."

"Hmph fine!" she said.

But Pandora was hungry so she got some Oreo cookies.

But Shadow took the cookies and said "Oero cookies will taste even better after your nap."

"No they won't they'll just tastes the same."

"Trust me." said Shadow.

In her room Pandora got some comic books to make her sleepy.

Shadow took them and he said "No comics during nap time."

"Aw come on!" she groaned.

Shadow told his twin brother Shades it's quiet time now.

Pandora got out her cat plush and hugged it.

Pandora got up and asked Shadow to read her a story.

Shadow went into her room and read a story to her it's called Looney Tunes Duck Dodgers In Outer Space.

After the story Pandora fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams Pandora." he said sweetly.

Pandora cuddled her plush toy.

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