Summer Fun

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Pandora and their friends were outside playing on inflatable water slide.

"This is the best summer ever I'm glad Eggette isn't here otherwise she will ruined it for everyone." said Monty.

"So far in the summer we did water balloon war and pranking Mario." said Pandora

"We did bike riding and playing video games." said Tony.

Shadow was supervising the kids to make sure they are behaving.

Shades was inside playing Giana Sisters on his iPad.

"Monty did you know I did a watermelon prank on Mario." 

"How did you do that Pandora?"


It's all started when me and Shadow filled the watermelon with chocolate pudding and m88 firecrackers.

Then me and Shadow walked to his door Shadow knocked on the door Mario answer the door and asked us what are we doing here and Shadow was giving him a watermelon he said it's saying thanks for making good a game.

We both ran away.

Mario was holding the watermelon a few seconds later Boom! Mario was covered in chocolate pudding and watermelon juice.

I was laughing so hard and so did Shadow.

(Flashback end)

"So you see that's how I got the idea from Julia the hedgehog."

"Wow that's great." said Felicia.


"I don't think Sonic has been in the waterslide at indoor waterpark."

"How did that go for Sonic?" Jenny asked.

"When I rode with Sonic and he screamed like a little girl." said Monty.

Pandora was laughing.

"Man he's a sissy."

"Don't tell Sonic you said that."

"I won't."

"It would be cool if Mario and friends ride on turbo toilets in Mario Kart."

"Yep that would be so funny."

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