Flu Shot

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Shadow told Pandora she has to get her flu shot tomorrow Pandora did not like this.

"Hmph whatever." she said kind of angry.

"Listen Pandora a flu shot keeps you from being sick later on."

"You don't want to get a disease do you."

"Uh no." said Pandora.

"That's why you need your shot plus you got to be nice to your doctor don't use your chaos energy do you understand."

Pandora sighed "Fine yes."

"Good girl you know I don't like pouty faces from little children."

"Come on Pandora smile for me."

Shadow started to tickle her.

"Ha ha ha ha Shadow that tickles."

"See there's your smile." said Shadow.

"All right you win big bro." said Pandora.

The next day Shadow took her to the doctor's appointment she bought her stuff bunny name Opal with her. 

Shadow and Pandora sat on the chair in the waiting room.

"Why do I have to get a damn flu shot?" Pandora asked.

Shadow frowned at her "Hey language!" said Shadow.

"Sorry big bro I'm just angry that's all."

"Pandora no rude comments in here."

"Is it going to hurt." she asked.

"Well Pandora it's going to hurt just a little bit the pain won't last long."

"Do you understand." Shadow asked

"Yes." she said nicely.

The women came and called out.

"The doctor is ready to see you now."

"Well that's us come on little sis."

Pandora got up and took Shadow by the hand.

"Hi I'm doctor Sabrina you must be Pandora the hedgehog how old are you." 

"I'm 4 years old." she said shyly.

"Is that your father Pandora." she asked.

"No that's my big brother his name is Shadow my father is dead because he's evil so Shadow takes care of me."

"Ok Pandora this will hurt a little bit so don't look it and your stuffed bunny is there with you."

The doctor rolled up her sleeve Pandora was shaking in fear and shut her eyes tight.

The doctor stick the needle in her arm Pandora was screaming in pain "OUCH!"

Shadow put his arms around her the needle was scaring her very much.

Pandora started to cry "It's hurts so bad." she sobbed.

The doctor removed the needle from her arm and gave her a band-aid.

"See it's all done open your eyes now."

Pandora open her eyes and she sniffed very much.

"You were a brave girl have a lollipop."

"Pandora what do you say."

"Thank you." she said.

Shadow picked her up and carried her out of the building.

Pandora had tears streaming down her face.

"Aww Pandora don't cry it's all over now it will be ok."

"How humiliating." she said.

When they got home Shadow took her into the living room to calm her down.

Shadow hugged her and rubbed her back in a circle.

"Shh shh It's ok sweetie your big brother is here it's ok."

He started to rock her back and forth.

Shadow decided to sing to her it will calm her down for sure.

Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

And hold it tight I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry 'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart

Always Why can't they understand the way we feel

They just don't trust what they can't explain

I know we're different, but deep inside us

We're not that different at all And you'll be in my heart

Yes you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more Don't listen to them

Cause what do they know

We need each other, to have, to hold

They'll see in time, I know When destiny calls you, you must be strong

I may not be with you

But you got to hold on

They'll see in time, I know

We'll show them together 'Cause you'll be in my heart

Believe me you'll be in my heart

I'll be there from this day on

Now and forever more You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart always

Always I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there


After the song she started to calm down in Shadow's lap while hugging her bunny and Shadow gently stroked her head.

"There you go little sis nice and calm."

Shadow kissed her on the head.

Pandora close her eyes I guess her crying does tuckered her out sometimes.

I'm sure she will feel better from the trauma don't you. 

Pandora Shorts Season 1Where stories live. Discover now