Burnin The House Down

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Pandora Jackie Eddie and Monty were at Amy's house hanging out with their friend Felicia.

They were all playing a board game candy land.

Jackie made a move and she won the game.

"I won!" she said.

"I'll let you win." said Pandora.

"Cheer up Pandy." said Eddie.

"Yeah it's just a game."

"What should we do next?" Felicia asked.

"I think we should do flambé." said Monty.

"What I don't think that's a good idea."

"Aw come on Felicia what's the worst thing could happen."

"If Amy sees this she will not be happy."

"I have seen those in the restaurant where they cook in front of you."

"All right it's your funeral." said Felicia.

Monty put the pot on the stove and add liquor in it.

Jackie light a match put in it in the pot fire came up.

"Wow that's cool."

"Did you see that Pandora."

"Yes I see it."

"Do that again." said Eddie.

Monty poured the liquor in the pot three times and he light the match.

It exploded like a fire ball.

Everyone was freaking out.

"Put it out put it out." said Eddie.

Monty tried put it out with water.

"Monty we are suppose to put it out with a fire extinguisher.

"Stay down! Down! Down! Voila in reverse.Oh, dang! Get down! Stop it! Stop it! Tauro Tauro!" Felica shouted.

Tony was hanging out with Skipper Phoebe and Jenny.

"Man I'm good at solitaire on the computer."

"You sure do."

"I'll call Monty about it."

Tony picked his cell phone and called him.

While everyone was trying to put the fire out his cell phone.

Monty picked up and talked to Tony.


"Hey Tony, I can't talk right now! The kitchen's on fire. I'm burnin Amy's house down!"

Tony put the phone down and said "Amy's house is on fire I have to tell Tails about this."

Monty got out a cloth and put it out.

"All right I did it oh man oh my god."

All the sudden fire came up again.

They heard a home smoke alarm.

Everyone was screaming and started freaking out.

"AUNTIE EM!! AUNTIE EM!!" Jackie screamed.

The kitchen was burned completely.

"MAMA NOOOO!!!!" Felicia cried.

The firefighter had finished their work.

"Our work here is done are you ok."

"I'm not ok man how come I did something stupid how am I going explain it."

"How did this happen?"

"We had a little accident we were cooking flambé." Felicia told the fireman.

"Flambé you torched your sister's kitchen cooking flambé."

He started laughing "Small children aren't suppose to cook flambé."

"You're so stupid." he said.

"Hey guys these youngsters have been cooking flambé."

Then he went back to serious look.

"I hope I've been of assistance to you."

Amy noticed her kitchen was burned.

"What happened here?" she asked.

"We were cooking flambé."

Shades came to pick up Pandora.

"Hey Pandy did you have a fun time."

Pandora tried to act like nothing is wrong.

"Uh yeah I had fun."

He didn't the notice the kitchen was burned.

"Out of all the rooms to burn in Amy's house, The kitchen! Are you mad, girl?"

"Uh no I'm not."

Everyone was in trouble they are facing consequences when they get home.

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