Sleeping During The Meeting

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At G.U.N HQ Commander had a meeting with everyone but first he asked everyone would to talk about their weekend.

"Excuse me Commander I'm afraid we have problem." said Proj.

"What's that Proj?" 

"You see we have bad case of the sleeping sickness for team dark." said Rouge

"What that lazy hedgehogs?" yelled Commander.

They looked at Shadow and Pandora they were both sleeping on the couch.

"What the?" said Shades.

"Are you two ok." Mail asked.

"I think they are tired." said Core.

"Maybe they didn't get enough sleep from last night." said Cresent.

"Oh that doesn't appear to be good."

"Team Dark you better wake these two ultimate I'm way better anyone else up I don't hear them snoring through the meeting."

"I really hate Pandora's snoring she sounds like a chainsaw." said Venice.

"Me too." said Marshal.

"Maybe we wake them up with hand in warm water trick so it wake them up."

"Uh that would an embarrassment for these two."

"Yeah I don't see a toddler peeing in their pants." said Annie.

"I know maybe we can wake them up with loud music so they will wake up instant."

"Yeah but It can make all of us go deaf." said Emma.

"Commander always tell Pandora to turn the music down."

"Commander can we just let them sleep through the whole meeting." said Ark.

"Ark don't know you the rules." said Oliga.

"Oh right no sleeping during the meeting."

Shadow and Pandora were dreaming of something in their mind.

Edgar woke both of them up by slapping them across the face.

"Ow!" she yelled.

"Huh." Shadow said waking up from his sleep.

Commander walked over to them and said "You two you're not suppose to be asleep during the meeting you got to pay attention."

Pandora looked at her phone she got text from Shady.

She did answer a respond by texting to her.

Shadow got mad at Edgar.

"Edgar what is wrong with you did you have to wake me up by slapping me."

"Yes you lazybones."

Pandora was rubbing her eyes.

"All I guess we have mission later on."

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