Burglar Alarmed

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It was nighttime everything is quiet and Pandora was waiting for Shadow to tuck her in.

"Shadow can you tuck me in."

"Coming Pandora."

When Shadow tucked her in he kissed her on the head and said "Goodnight Pandora."

"Goodnight bro." she said.

As Shadow turn off the light and closed the door.

Yep everyone at G.U.N HQ was asleep then Venice got up to get a glass of water.

He didn't notice a burglar was their stealing stuff.

But he couldn't reach so the burglar give it to him.

"Thanks." he said.

He walked back to his bedroom.

"You ok Venice." his twin brother Marshal said to him.

"Just went to get a glass of water."

"The nice man was taking things from the kitchen help me get it."

Marshal opened his eyes, he was like what? 

"Uh what nice man taking things from the kitchen?"

"The nice burglar man."

"Do we need to wake up Pandora."

"Uh yes."

The boys got up from their beds and tiptoed into the hallway and opened the door of Pandora's bedroom.

"Uh Pandora you awake."

Pandora opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"What can't you see the little lifeform is trying to sleep around here."

"Uh there's a nice burglar in the headquarters."

Pandora and Marshal laughed "Your eyes must by playing tricks I mean what burglar in the right mind try to rob Team Dark."

They heard a loud crash noise.

Pandora stopped laughing and took out her gun.

"I can't believe the thief is trying robbing Team Dark."

"Pandy what are you doing why are you holding a gun."

"So I can scare someone away that's how my brother Shadow does that when burglars break into his house."

"Ok how do we get rid of the burglar?" Venice asked.

"We need to thing of an plan but we have to be very quiet so we don't wake anyone."

All three hedgehog tiptoed into the hallway and hid behind the couch.

"We attacked the burglar and then scared him off."

They saw the burglar and Venice came from behind him and attack him by the leg.

Marshal took the bag from him and put everything back the way it was.

Pandora pointed a gun at him.

"You get out of here Mr. burglar man or I'm calling the police on you." 

"Why would call the police your a kid and your pointing a gun at me."

"I'm warning you if you don't get out now you're going to get it."

"Didn't your mommy told you not to play with guns."

"I don't have a mom I have two dads Dr. Gerald and Black Doom."

Marshal got a baseball bat and whack him right into his groin.

Venice and Marshal kicked him while he was on the ground.

After that Pandora threw him out of the door and yelled "And stay out."

The burglar ran away but he got hit by a bus as result.

He was arrested by the police.

"Yeah we did it." they said very quietly.

They went back to bed and everything was nice and quiet. 

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