Mrs. Weiner

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At school everyone was in the cafeteria eating lunch.

Eggette came over to the table to Joyce and her friends Ann Matt Stephen Eleesha Takeshi and Anthone.

"What's up fools do you know I'm going to do this weekend."

Joyce's friends don't want to know what she's going to do.

"Eggette if you're going built a robot giant ants Monty and his friends will destroy it."

"Wrong!" she said.

"That was good guess." said Matt.

"I'm entering myself in the hot dog contest at the fair."

"What?" said Stephen.

"You're not going to stuff your face with hot dogs."

"Yeah Eleesha is right you're going to get fat like father."

"My father is not fat he's a big bone."

"Your father is like humpty dumpty." 

"Why do you want to enter the hot dog eating contest?"

"So I can win a jacket and everyone will call me mrs. weiner."

Everyone laughed.

"Mrs. weiner that's gold."

Later on that day.

Joyce texted Pandora about Eggette entering the hot dog eating contest.

Pandora heard a sound on her phone.

She looked at it.

"Hot dog eating contest man she's going to get sick."

Pandora texted back to her.

When weekend came the hot dog eating contest was at afternoon.

Eggette saw a big guy.

"Eggette this is not a good idea." said Metal Monty.

"Shut up Metal Monty I can eat as much hot dogs I can."

"All right it's your funeral."

Eggette had an idea  she sees a helium tank and puts helium in her stomach.

Then got to her chair and ties herself to it to avoid floating away.

Eggette leaned over to the guy and said "Uh that jacket is mine." Eggette said in a chipmunk voice.

Sonic and the gang didn't really want to watch the hot dog contest because Dr. Eggman invited them to watch his daughter at the contest.

"This eating contest is sick." said Sonic.

"These mortals are going hurt their stomachs." said Shadow.

"Are you mark get set go."

Everyone started eating.

Pandora wasn't watching it she looking at her phone.

20 minutes later.

Eggette was on the last hot dog and she was finished.

"We have a winner." said the man.

"Yeah ha ha."

Then suddenly the string broke and Eggette started to float away.

the audience were surprised and Sonic and their friends were laughing.

Dr. Eggman was trying to get her down.

Scourge was recording this on his phone.

It took him 5 minutes to get her down she let out a big burp causing all the helium in her body to escape.

Dr. Eggman caught her from falling.

Pandora and Shadow knew she was cheating.

Monty took the jacket and gave it Sonic.

Eggette was mad she was disqualified from the compilation because she cheated.

Like Sonic always say nobody wins when you cheat.

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