How Shady Meets Shades

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"Have you met my twin brother Shades." Shadow asked.

"No." said Shady.

He called him to come here and meet Shady.

"Say hi to Shady."

"Hi Shady." said Shades.

Shades was learning how to look at people in the eye.

"Uh dad why is looking away from me?"

"Shades has autism like Cresent that means he will act a little  bit differently then others."

Shady begins to understand him.

Pandora asked her brother Shades if he likes to play with her.

He said yes.

They went downstairs to play together.

Shady saw many Lego buildings in the basement.

"Shades did you made this." she asked.

"Yes I made it myself I love building things."

"That's great."

Cresent came to join them.

"Hey Cresent want to play with us."

"Sure." she said.

They played video games.

They played Wii Play Motion.

They were playing skip skimmer.

Shady was trying to figuring out how it works.

"How do I this again?" she asked.

"Hold the remote and then let go of the B button be careful not to throw it too hard."

"Ok I got it."

She watched when the stone was skipping on the water she got 34 points.

"Wow thanks Shades."

"You're welcome I'm really good at this."

"You sure are."

They were having fun playing together.

15 minutes later.

"Wow that was fun." she said.

They played a board game it's called Disney Trivia board game.

Shades was so smart he knows the answers.

"You're good at this." said Pandora.

"Yeah he knows the answers." said Cresent.

Shadow came to check on them.

"How's everybody doing?"


"Good to hear that I see all of you playing so nicely."

"I think Shades is amazing."

"Autism creates amazing Shady."

After the game.

Shades wanted to hug Shady.

Shady did gave him a hug.

"I love this." said Shady.

"Yeah he loves getting the love from family and friends." said Cresent.

"He sure does."

Shades was watching his favorite show it's called Looney Tunes.

They were laughing at funny cartoons.

Pandora Shorts Season 1Where stories live. Discover now