Restless Shadow

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It was almost evening time in Mobius, and in the house of Pandora and Shadow the hedgehog, Shadow was playing with her stuffed animals, while outside, Shadow was heading home, but looked exhausted and was walking quite slowly, Pandora then looked and saw Shadow walking as she got up from the couch and ran to Pandora, "Hey Shadow, how's it going?". Pandora said as Shadow looked and saw Pandora, "Oh hey little sis," Shadow said as Pandora looked and saw Shadow looked exhausted, "You ok Shadow? you look tired," Pandora asked as Shadow slowly nodded, "Yeah, I just got back from fighting Metal Sonic, it was a long day", Shadow said as Pandora had a worried look on her face, "Aww, poor big gonna be ok?", Pandora asked as Shadow nodded, "Yeah, I'll be....." Shadow then got down to his knees due to him being exhausted, Pandora then helped him up and said, "How about I take you to your bed, you can rest there", Pandora insisted as Shadow smiled. "Thanks little sis," Shadow said as Pandora helped Shadow to his room.

Once Pandora helped Shadow inside the home, Pandora had a pot of hot water for Shadow to put his feet into to help him relax as Shadow relaxed, "Thanks for the potful of hot water for my feet to help me relax little sis", Shadow said as Pandora smiled, "I'm glad to help Shadow," Pandora replied as he sat next to Shadow, "Man, Metal Sonic was tough this time, took me almost all day to defeat him", Shadow said as Pandora looked at him, "I don't blame you, you need to rest Shadow," Pandora said as Shadow nodded, "You're right, these battles lately have been wearing me down", Shadow said as Pandora got worried, "Hey Pandora, would you put my gun away?" Shadow asked as Pandora nodded, "Sure Shadow, you just stay here and rest," Shadow said as she got up and put the gun in his closet as Shadow relaxed, then after a few minutes, Pandora came back putting away her toys in her room, put Maria doll in his arm and handed her to Shadow, "Thanks little sister, you're the best," Shadow said as now he had dark circles under his eyes as Pandora put her stuff animals in her bedroom, "You're welcome Shadow, you can sleep in your room if you'd like," Pandora said as Shadow let out a yawn, "That actually sounds like a good idea," Shadow said drowsily as he slowly got up and headed to the his room, once there, he got his pajamas on and as he slowly got into bed, Pandora then helped tucking Shadow in as Shadow smiled as he listened when Pandora singing a lullaby to him, "I hope you sleep well big brother, goodnight Shadow," Pandora said as she hugged Shadow, "I will little sis, goodnight", Shadow said drowsily and hugged him back, Pandora then was about to leave til Shadow asked for her, "Wait little sis, could you come back here for a sec?" Pandora nodded and came to him as Shadow slowly and gently rubbed the top of Pandora's head, "You're the best little sister a hedgehog can ask for, thank you Pandora," Shadow said drowsily with a yawn as Shadow smiled, "You're welcome Shadow," Pandora said as Shadow then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep as he then snored, Pandora smiled as she then quietly left the room to let Shadow sleep and headed back to the living room to watch tv.

Morning rose as Pandora just got out of bed, wearing her footie pajamas and is yawning and rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes, after that she went to Shadow's room to check on Shadow, who was still in a deep sleep, Pandora smiled to see Shadow getting the rest he deserved, as she then went to the kitchen to have herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice, afterwards, she got herself ready for the day and headed out to the basement to work on her Legos she's working on, while Shadow was still asleep in bed, while Pandora is working in the basement, she heard a knock as Pandora looked and saw Rouge outside, "Oh hey Rouge, what's up?" Pandora asked as Rouge entered, "Nothing much, you seen Shadow lately, I haven't seen him all day," Rouge asked as Pandora looked kinda down, "He's in his room, he's resting, he had a tough fight yesterday with Metal Sonic," Pandora said as Rouge was shocked, "Metal Sonic?!" Rouge shockingly asked as Pandora nodded, "You should've seen Shadow, he looked exhausted and kinda pale, that fight wore him down", Pandora said as Rouge put her hand on Pandora's shoulder, "I didn't want Shadow to be alone, I wanted to be there for him like he would do for me," Pandora said as a tear fell from her eye, "I sometimes worry about Shadow, I sometimes wish he wouldn't overdo it," Pandora continued as Rouge sat close to her, "I know you do little buddy, but that's how Shadow does it, he's out there protecting people from danger and is protecting us as well," Rouge said as she wipped the tears off of Pandora's cheeks, "I know you can be worried about Shadow, but all you gotta do is believe in him and have faith in him, I know for a fact that when Shadow is battling, he thinks about you as well," Rouge said as Pandora looks at her, "I know..." Pandora replied as Rouge gently rubs Pandora's head, "He'll be fine Pandora, and as long as you're there for him like he is for you, he'll be ok," Rouge continued as Pandora smiled, "I know, thanks Rouge," Pandora said as Rouge nodded, "No problem little buddy," Pandora said as she got up and had left Pandora to let her get back to work.

A few hours later, Pandora went back inside to check on Shadow who was still sleeping, Pandora then gently placed her hand on Shadow's cheek and thought, "Poor Shadow, I wished you wasn't like this," Shadow then sighed happily in his sleep, Pandora smiled as she gently hugged Shadow, "It's ok Shadow, you're little sister will be here for you," Pandora whispered to Shadow's ear while he slept, she then quietly left the room to let Shadow rest some more.

During the afternoon, Pandora made herself some dinner and watched some tv, she still was thinking and was worried about Shadow, while doing so, she went to her room talking to her stuffed animals, Pandora picked up her stuffed cat name Angel and she played with her cat  "hey there little buddy," Pandora said with a giggle as she hugged Angel, "You are doing ok kitty?" Pandora asked as the toy's head moved as if replying "yes," She played with her stuffed cat in her pillow fort then afterwards, Pandora then went to the bathroom to have herself a nice warm bath.

Later that night, Pandora was back in the living room, wearing her nightgown pajamas and fuzzy slippers on her feet, reading a nice book while sitting on her armchair, she hugged her plush InuYasha, Pandora then began to get a little sleepy as she let out a soft yawn, she then got up and headed off to bed, but he then decided to check up on Shadow, she went to his room to check up on Shadow who was still asleep and is snoring, then suddenly Shadow was mumbling something in his sleep, "Mmm, no...leave Pandora out of this......", Shadow mumbled as Pandora frowned, "Pandora....come back...don't leave me little sis...", Shadow continued as Pandora grew worried, she then had an idea to be with him tonight, she then got into bed beside her older brother, she then gently hugged him and whispered in Shadow's ear, "It's ok big brother, I'm here for you always," Pandora then snuggled on Shadow as she then yawned and fell asleep while snuggled on Shadow and snored softly, Shadow then sighed happily and mumbled, "My little sis....thank you Pandora..," Shadow yawned in his sleep and kept snoring.

Morning then came as in his room, Shadow was still asleep and snoring in bed, but Pandora was not in his room, Shadow then slowly opened his eyes and slowly woke up from his well deserved sleep, "Oh boy, what a rest I had, what time is it?", Shadow said while yawning as he then saw that he slept for a day, "Wow, I must've been out cold", Shadow said as he then smelled something good, "Mmm, something smells wonderful", Shadow asked as he then slowly got out of bed and put his slippers on his feet and headed out the door, he then saw Pandora making breakfast, Pandora then saw Shadow awake as Pandora was happy, "Shadow!" Pandora said happily as Shadow yawned, "Hey little sis," Shadow said as Pandora ran to him and gave Shadow a big hug, "I'm glad you're ok Shadow", Pandora said as Shadow got to his knees while hugging Pandora, "Aww, well if it wasn't for you little sis, I'd be still one tired hedgehog," Shadow said as he and Pandora then stopped hugging as Pandora headed to the kitchen, "I made us some breakfast, I know you'd like to have some," Pandora said as Shadow's tummy grumbled kinda loud as Shadow chuckled, "Yeah, my tummy need's some food," Shadow said with a chuckle and patted his tummy, Pandora then got breakfast in a plate as Shadow sat on the couch as Pandora joined him and they then both had breakfast, afterwards, Shadow took his slippers off as Pandora sat on Shadow's lap, "So did anything happen while I was resting Pandora," Shadow asked as Pandora told him what all happened, she even told him about how worried she was about him, Shadow then frowned as he hugged Pandora, "I'm sorry that I worried you little sis, I promise that I will take it easy more and spend more time with you little sis," Shadow said as Pandora smiled, "Thank you Shadow," Pandora said as Shadow smiled and replied, "You're welcome little bro," Pandora then leaned close to Shadow as Shadow put his arm around his little sister, "How about tomorrow, we'll have a brother and sister picnic in my backyard, just you and me", Shadow said as Pandora nodded, "That sounds great Shadow, I heard the weather is gonna be perfect," Pandora said as Shadow smiled, "Really, well in that case, we can also camp out tomorrow," Shadow said as Pandora nodded, "That sound's even better big brother," Pandora said as Shadow smiled, "Then it's settled, sibling's day tomorrow it is," Shadow said as he hugged her as Pandora hugged him back, "Hey Shadow?"  "I love you," she said Aww, I love you too little sis", Shadow answered  "Aww, you look so cute when you put your head on my chest," Shadow said as he and Pandora smiled, "Your chest hair feels warm, cozy...and...and...," Pandora said as she then fell asleep and snores softly Shadow smiled as he gently rubbed Pandora's head, "Aww, have a nice nap little sis," Shadow whispered as he relaxed and watched TV while Pandora was napping on Shadow's lap.

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