New Girl in the Neighborhood

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One morning there was a new family moving in the neighborhood it was the Jackal family.

It has the married couple had 4 children 3 boys and 1 girl.

The girl was exactly Pandora's age she was wearing overalls dress.

Monty and their friends looked at the moving truck from across the street.

"Look guys a new kid!"

"Should we say hello." Gizmo asked.

"I don't know Gizmo." said Skipper.

Suddenly Josiah the jackal was in love with the new girl.

"Another jackel she's beautiful."

Ronnie accidently knocked the fence down it fell like dominoes.

"Ronnie what's your problem?" Lacey said kind of angry.

"Uh oh let's get out of here other wise we can get in trouble."

"Yeah." everyone agreed.

Later in the afternoon Pandora was riding her tricycle on the sidewalk.

The girl saw Pandora riding her tricycle and walked over to her.

"Hello." she said.

"Uh hello." Pandora said shyly.

"Are you the new girl who moved into the neighborhood."

"Yes I'm new to town because my dad got a job there."

"Oh that's something."

"Anyway what's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Jackie the jackal."

"I'm Pandora, Pandora the hedgehog."

"Nice to meet you Pandora great name by the way."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Want to play with me."


Pandora put her bike in the garage and went to the backyard.

"So want to play a game."

"Yeah what should we play?"

"I know let's play catch."

"That's sounds like fun let's play."

"Ok." she said.

They both play catch with the ball.

They were having fun they played catch for 17 minutes.

"That was fun what should we play next?" Jackie asked.

"How about we play video games inside."


The girls walked inside the backdoor and went to the basement to play video games.

They played Wii Play It's Pandora favorite game.

They had a good time playing together.

"Wow you're really good at this game."

"I know I have played this all the time."

"What's your favorite game on this one."

"Mine's shooting game I'm the ultimate shooter."

"Wow that's cool."

"I know."

And so played games for 45 minutes and she introduce her friend Jackie to her brothers Shadow and Shades.

Pandora and Jackie had became friends.

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