Shady's Midnight Snack

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One night Shady was watching YouTube on her iPad

She was watching My Little Pony Equestria Girls.

"Man I love this show maybe I can watch one more."

"Time for bed Shady." said Snowdrop

"Ok." said Shady.

She put her iPad away and got into bed.

"Goodnight Shady."

"Goodnight mom."

She turned off the light and close the door.

She went to sleep.

But at midnight her stomach was growling.

"Quiet stomach I'm trying to sleep."

Her stomach wouldn't be quiet she got up and went to get a midnight snack.

She tiptoed in the hallway and went into the kitchen.

"Let's see what I can have for a snack."

Then she had an idea.

"I know I'll make myself a grilled cheese sandwich."

She looking for a frying pan but in the bedroom Pandora did hear sounds from the kitchen.

Pandora woke up got up from and walked tiredly to the kitchen.

"Shady what are you doing up it's midnight."

"I was hungry so I have to get a snack."


"I'm making a grilled cheese sandwich."

"Just be quiet some of us are trying to sleep."

She put the pan on the stove she got out bread and cheese.

She put the bread there then she put cheese last but not least she put another bread on top of the cheese.

She put the sandwich on the frying pan.

It took her 3 minutes to make it.

Once it was done she started to eat the sandwich.

Pandora just went back to bed.

Shady brushed her teeth and went back to bed.

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