Fire Drill

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At school Monty and their friends were doing some work it was arts and crafts.

They did a good job.

In Second grade class Eggette asked the teacher if she can use the bathroom.

The teacher said yes.

Eggette didn't to the bathroom and decided to a prank she decided to pull the fire alarm.

In Pandora's class everyone was having free time until they heard a fire alarm.

"It's a fire frill everyone line up follow me and don't run."

Monty and his friends lined up and walk out the school.

"This can't be real it's false alarm." said Monty.

"However did this I'm going to kick someone's butt."

Eggette showed up laughing.

"Did you see those mighty mountains weeds run what a bunch of scaredy cats but I was impressed with the firefighters by my calculations it only took then 3 and a half minutes to get here it always good to know they're fast."

"It was you I knew it." said Pandora.

"That's not funny Eggette." said Skipper.

Everyone was frowning at her.

The fire fighter was holding Eggette's backpack.

"Is this your backpack it was found beneath the fire alarm."

Eggette was in serious trouble she got sent to the principal's office.

The principal called Eggette's father on the phone.

He came in and he was very angry at his daughter.

"Eggette what you did was dumb and dangerous you don't ever pull the fire pull unless there's a fire."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I thought it might be funny to do that prank."

The principal was very angry.

"Eggette that prank is not funny we take fire drills very seriously you scared most of the students for that I'm suspending you for 3 weeks."

After that Eggette was sent home early from school.

Dr. Eggman was so mad at her.

"Eggette I'm so angry at you you're going to be grounded until you're suspension is up."

"I'm sorry father."

"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time we take fire drills very seriously didn't you see the commotion going on you made a lot of students very scared."

At Shadow's house Shadow was glad Pandora was ok she told him what had happened Shadow told her it's okay and everything will be just fine."

Pandora felt better afterwards.

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