Shady Goes To School

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In school Shady was a bit nervous she was a new student at green hill school.

"I'm really nervous about this new school I really don't know anyone." said Shady.

"Good news Shady you're in my class remember I'm here for you." said Pandora.

"Thanks Pandora."

"You're welcome now let's get into the classroom before the bell rings."


As they walked in the classroom.

Mrs. Nelson looked at Shady.

"You must be a new girl what's your name."

"I'm Shady the rabbit."

"Nice to meet you."

She clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone we have a new student in class today I would like to meet Shady the rabbit."

"Hi Shady." everyone said.

'Hi." she said back.

Mrs. Nelson told her to write her name on the circle and put in her cubby.

Shady did exactly what she told her.

She told Shady to sit next to Monty.

Monty said hi to her.

Shady said hi back.

"Your Monty right." she asked.

"Yes I'm Monty the hedgehog."

After Shady was talking to Monty it was time to do some learning life skills.

Shady got along with everyone in class.

Shady did a good job avoiding Eggette in the hallway Pandora told Shady about her she said she's the daughter of Dr. Eggman.

When it was time for recess everyone went outside to play.

"Are you enjoying school so far." Monty asked.

"Yes I'm enjoying it."

"Glad your enjoying it."

They played tag together.

As hours past.

The kids listen to the story at story time and they did more work it's called drawing shapes and numbers.

Shady was having a good time.

When it was time to go home Shadow came to pick up the his little sister and his daughter from school.

"How was school Shady?" Shadow asked.

"It was great." she said.

Shady told him about her day he was happy for her and she had learn a lot. 

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