Gloves Off

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The days only managed to drag onwards the less Sola saw of Poe Dameron around the base. Of course he as a busy man, being the Commander of a squadron, someone who was reportedly close to General Organa herself, and the poster boy of the Resistance didn't exactly gift him with any extra free time. Nor did she believe she had the right to any of his time in general.

Rumours had reached Sola on his whereabouts after another week of droning work. Apparently he was on a secret mission, one only a hand full of people knew about. Which probably meant it was dangerous, something which only caused more unease to seep into the back of the mechanics mind while she worked on the fifth droid of the day.

This one was so old it was basically falling apart in her hands. The poor lifeless thing was rusty and scraped beyond belief. But it was a task written on the magnetic board and thus, needed to be completed. A total rewriting and new circuit board needed to be carefully fitted, which wasn't the easiest task for someone who had worked non stop since breakfast and was now becoming dizzy and nauseous with hunger. She should probably take a break and at least grab dinner, but the idea of stopping now, when she was so close to bringing new life into the abandoned droid, it was unimaginable.

"You know it'll still be here once you get back" That was a new voice, softer, smaller, and one that made Sola jump like she usually did when focused intently on a task only to be interrupted unannounced.

"I....I know but he's already waited so long to be fixed" The blond sighed, looking up to be met with the form of a young woman, almost the same height as Sola herself. Black shoulder length hair tied in a small ponytail with what seemed to be...wire? Was she a mechanic too?

"But you can't finish fixing him to the best of your abilities until you're working at your best, which means eating" The young woman retorted with a small smile, she was right of course, Sola knew that, yet she couldn't stop her sore hands from working.

"I'm Rose, Rose Tico, you're new right?" Was the arrival of new mechanics to the Resistance base a rare occurrence or was someone talking about her? If they were, it couldn't be good things.

"Y-Yeah, I'm Sola, nice to meet you..." Hardly focusing on Rose now, the mechanic had set her goal to finishing up the rest of the internal wiring, twisting and turning until it sparked under her fingertips and she pulled away with a hiss of pain.


She probably shouldn't swear or curse in front of someone she had just met, good first impressions and all that.

Biting her lip to keep in the curse, she wrung her hand out in the air with a groan that caused Rose to giggle from the doorway.

"Told you, c'mon dinners waiting, I think they're serving actual meat today" as enticing as that sounded Sola had to question it,

"What kind of meat?"

That caused a shrug from Rose before she turned to walk away "Don't know, but after the month of broth and soup we've had I can't wait, you coming?"

Whatever the meat was, it was tough. The taste was good enough, but by the time Sola managed to swallow even a little piece of it her jaw was beginning to ache and she wished they'd boiled it instead.

"It's not often the base manages to get their hand on a shipload of real meat like this" Rose explained from her left, happily chewing her own portion like it was nothing.

Did the woman have the jaw strength of a wampa?!

"I don't mind the soups they've served so far..." Was all Sola replied to that, she kind of liked soup. It was a meal she was used to when growing up, easy to make in a multitude of ways, you couldn't really go wrong with it as long as it was seasoned correctly.

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