Resistance Reborn: Pt. 3: Eyes On Me

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Sola stood at Leia's side the next day. Watching over the vast desert sand and rock that seemed to carry on forever as they watched Black Squadron as well as the rest of the hope for the Resistance, come in over the open desert. They practically skimmed the ground, low and with minimum lights despite the dark of night.

They had decided to conveniently use the day of a Twi'Lek holiday that day as cover. The darkest day on Ryloth where the moons were at their dimmest above the sky, and most citizens would be remaining indoors.

If one weren't looking for the speedy X-Wings and ships, they would've most likely thought them a natural phenomenon, or missed them all together.

The closer they grew, the louder the telltale sound of X-Wing engines filled their ears. Sola was biting back a grin again, trying to not to look as eager and excited as she felt standing at the General's side. She'd been allowed to watch from the library, built into a large command centre, with Leia only after having shyly begged her that morning. The elder woman had looked a little reluctant at first, but once she'd seen the eager look on the mechanics face, and grew to understand the reasons behind it. She'd allowed it graciously.

As the Starfighters, together with a small transport ship at its rear sunk past the mountainside, Sola wasted no time hurrying back inside the hidden base, practically flying forward down the tunnels, past R2 to rush to Rose's side in the hanger and take her hand momentarily in her excitement as they watched the ships sink and land onto the smooth floors.

Ten X-Wings, an A-Wing, Poe's borrowed ship from the Hut, two smaller civilian transports and a transport which looked more like a yacht than anything else Sola had ever seen before, lowered themselves carefully. It wasn't a lot, but it was more than they had the day before, and it would have to do for now.

"Poe!" Sola ran up to his ship as soon as she recognised the top of his head, letting go of Rose who let her leave without a word.

"BB!" The astromech beeped in greeting as she stood by the X-Wing, grinning and waving up at the droid while Poe laughed and made his way from from the cockpit with a jump, helmet tucked under one arm.

"Miss me?" That kriffing cocky smirk on his face made the blond laugh aloud, relief and joy taking and annoyance from her body and flinging it into deep space.

"You're an idiot" She mumbled before he walked up to embrace her, lifting her easy in his strong arms and twirling her around several times while Sola laughed and threw her head back.

"So you did miss me?!" Poe chuckled back before finally lowering her to her feet again, giving her a once over with his eyes that told her he too had worried for her, if only a little. The thought made her blush under his gaze before looking down as BB-8 bumped at her legs.

Crouching down without hesitation, Sola patted his head with a large grin as he peered up at her "How are you doing Bud?"

BB-8 have several beeps that made her giggle "A spa planet? And you didn't even get an oiling?!" She gasped in mock offence and gave Poe, who stood watching above her, an exasperated look that only caused the curly haired Commander to roll his eyes and throw the helmet back into his cockpit.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to pamper you, bring you right back to a blinding shine" A promise which made BB-8 chirp happily and give a small roll around her person to emphasise his excitement.

"Leia!" Looking up at Poe's voice, Sola caught him jogging up to Leia with R2 at her side a little ways away. The older woman having just arrived in the hanger herself.

R2 joined the mechanic and BB-8, rolling up eagerly to speak to his fellow astromech while Sola went to retrieve some polish and a rag to clean BB-8 up. He'd seen some action on his mission from the way layer of dirt and dust that had settled on his white and orange frame.

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