Resistance Reborn: Pt. 5: Oceans

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As it turns out, while they were racing through hyperspace aboard a transport, that changing into her new attire, Sola had encountered a few difficulties. For one, she'd never worn such a big complex dress before, struggling to get it on over her head without drowning in the silk fabric. And when it finally did fold over her in soft layers, she ultimately had to ask Suralinda for help to zip it up in the back and make sure it sat properly at all angles. It felt tight, a little suffocating even, but as long as she kept her back straight and breathed in it would be bearable, though she had no idea how people worse these every day.

The woman had merely laughed at the request when Sola had called her timidly from the room she was changing in, before rolling her eyes and coming to her aid with a smug grin that told her she might've seen this coming when she had picked out the dress back on Ryloth.

"Have you even ever worn anything beyond those old rugged jumpsuits before?!" Suralinda was watching from the corner of the room while Sola was struggling with trying to put her hair up in anyway that looked elegant. She was failing miserably at it.

"A little but.." Pants and t-shirts issued by the Resistance on D'Qar weren't exactly much better than her trusted mustard mechanic's jumpsuit, hardly worth mentioning really.

"Here" Suralinda let out a sigh at the pitiful sight before her eyes, getting up and walking to stand behind the blond while she contemplated on what to do with the mass of hair at her disposal.

"I-I can do it!" Sola argued only to be hushed quickly, her hands slapped away by the taller woman behind her while she tried again unsuccessfully to tend to her blond strands.

"Clearly not" She grumbled finally deciding on a loose up do that looked expertly like a mix of something someone had both spent hours on, and also put up in a matter of seconds. The messy bun losing long strands around her face to frame it before the woman turned the blond mechanic towards her on the chair to examine her face.

"What?" Sola stared back, confused at why she was being stared at so intently, did she have something on her face?

"You need makeup"

"I don't think that-"

"All of the rich wear make up" Suralinda insisted firmly, reaching to a small compartment at the desk they sat to pull out a bag with the cosmetic items. Had she brought those on board herself?! Sola was surprised she hadn't even bothered to check. "You'll blend in much better if you look...expensive" the woman mused as she began applying some light concealer with a brush to brighten up the blonds face.

"Fine..." If it helped her cover, she wouldn't argue. Silently glad she herself hadn't been left to try and put it on, Sola had never worn make up before. Besides the time Lizzy had once forced an impromptu 2am make over on her on D'Qar one night.

"Red is your colour" Suralinda mused as she worked, expertly applying some blush over Sola's cheeks and nose until she picked up a smaller one to start with eyeshadow.

Sola didn't want to think too hard on that observation. Recently red had reminded her of darker things.

"Eyes shut" Suralinda commanded, the mechanic responding instantly with what she was told.

"And I would know, I picked it out" She sounded self-satisfied with her choice, a lull in her voice giving away the smug grin probably plastered on her skin as she set a combination of red, brown and black eyeshadow down on the smaller woman's lids.

"Do you- do you have any advice, on how to act?" Sola asked quietly, hoping that this woman in front of her had more experience on being around wealthier people than she did "around all those rich people and business men" she clarified quickly.

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