Chapter 44

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A/N. Please don't be mad at me if this is the last chapter...... If this isn't the last chapter then there'll be another. But this may be the last one.
I know I'm just getting to the good part of the book, relating it to the title and whatnot but it ends how it ends.

Chapter 44

When I woke up, Kyle was still laying on my stomach. He was fast asleep and I really needed to pee.

"Hey Kyle, please ease up a little." He muttered something and turned his head, not moving from his position. I poked his shoulder. "Kyle move."

"Just a few more minutes." He stretched his legs and fixed himself before closing his eyes again.

"Kyle if you don't let me move, I swear I will wet your bed and it won't be the good kind." As I finished my sentence his head jolted up and he moved from off me, slightly pushing me aside.

"Go, Elly. I just changed my sheets." I laughed at him quickly slipping out from under the covers then running to the bathroom. I got in, and sat down.

I was planning on visiting my dad today. I kind of wanted to get to know my baby brother. He's much smarter than my other two and it's exciting when I talk to him. Furthermore, he loves pizza. He's now my favorite brother, seeing that my other two always argue over pie. Stupid fools.

I finished my business, washed my hands and left the bathroom. Kyle was fast asleep. Well, he's a tired cookie. Wonder what he did last night that makes him so tired right now?

Oh shut up. We both know what he did so let him sleep.

Yeah, I should really let him sleep.

I checked my phone to see who may have remembered me. There were about 15 messages.
5 from Alice, and she's about two doors away from me. She could've just knocked, or call my name. But nooo, she texted me.

Another 5 from Chris. I'm pretty sure he wants something. He never messages me unless he wants something.

Another 3 from Camilla. Yeah, more birthday plans.

And the last two from Estaban. I think I should let him know I'm unavailable. Not that I'm in a relationship, but I'm not single either. This is confusing.

I didn't bother replying because I told myself I needed time to think. And when I need time to think, I cook. I've never cooked in this house before and I've been staying here over a month.
I made my way into their very big kitchen. The one at my house is big, but this is bigger.

I started raiding the pantry and the fridge looking for ingredients that I may or may not be using.

I think I might bake a cake. Some cookies. Probably make some burgers. Maybe a burrito or a taco.
Some mac and cheese.

We gotta choose one.

Just make them all.

Yes. Let's make them all.


I was still in the kitchen. It was 12 in the afternoon when everyone started to come downstairs. I didn't notice them at first as my back was turned towards the entrance of the kitchen. My clothes were bathed in flour and powered cheese. My hair was up in a messy bun with flour in some places.

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