Chapter 9: It's All My Fault

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Hiro POV(from the last chapter)

After the attack from Yama and his cons, Skylar ran off, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Skylar, wait!" I ran after her as the others followed me.

"Hiro! Explanation! Now!" Gogo whipped her head in my direction and looked at me with serious eyes.

"That was Yama and his gang of thugs from the bot fight I went to a few nights ago! I was about to get killed if it hadn't been for Skylar since she used her powers to save me! She said that she inherited them from her family or something! And her powers are stored in this bracelet her dad gave to her before he died from a hit-and-run accident!" I explained as best I could. I looked up to see Skylar running across the street to the school. I looked and saw the street light and nearly had a heart attack: it was green! I couldn't let Skylar get injured. She made it halfway across the street when a black sedan came screeching down the street and I traced its possible path and saw at any given moment, she could get hurt.

"Skylar!!! Look out!" She took one glimpse at me, and heard the screeching of the brakes from the car and turned to see it head to her. She gasped in fear and stayed frozen where she was. Suddenly, without thinking, I ran to Skylar and pushed her out of the way. Luckily she landed on the sidewalk, when the front of the car hit me, and all I saw was Skylar screaming for me and everything went dark.

~~~~Yama's POV~~~~

Me and the rest of my pitiful crew headed to the warehouse where our mast was.

"Hey, Yama?" My sidekick, Lenny said to me.

"What is it now?" I growled at him.

"I don't think the boss'll like the news we lost the Dragon Fire again." I whipped around to face my poor excuse of a crew, who were scratched and bruised from that little brat's attacks. Me? She sent me flying into a wall, and now I was bruised all over, and I had a black eye because of her. At that mention of the master, my anger turned to worry.

"Well, at least we better tell him who that girl is so HE can come after her now! Now , c'mon!" I waved the croup over as we opened the warehouse door. The windows were all blocked up, and an eerie black fog surrounded us. I tried to not cower in fear, and kept a straight face as we approached a tall black chair, and a large desk with a computer, a map of the city speeded out in front.

"Uh...boss?" I asked nervously, when a dark, ominous voice rang out

"What is it now, Yama? Have you found the Dragon Fire?" He snarled at us. I heard whimpers behind me, but stood tall towards the guy.

"Y-yea! Yea! We found it! We found it all right!" I said as cheery as I could muster up. "Didn't we, fellas?" I eyed them nervously as they murmured agreements with me. I turned back just as the master was talking again.

"Yes!!!! Now I can have it! And soon, this pathetic city will bow to me and my powers!" He stood up from his chair and the screen from the computer flickered into a pair of white eyes looking at us, no irises or pupils staring down at us. Just bright white eye forms staring at us.

"Well? Where is it?" He asked impatiently." Where's the Dragon Fire?" I stared at the bumbling idiots behind me for any help on solving the one question we weren't prepared for. I then stared back as his voice changed.

"You...LOST IT?!" He yelled at us and a dark storming cloud appeared above us and a guy of wind blew us up into the hole that shot out sparks of electricity to us. The white eyes turned dark red in a flash and the master started yelling at us and I pleaded to him,

"Boss, wait! We know who has the power! We know who possesses it!" At that moment, the thunder and lightening stopped and the black hole disappeared. The master stood straight up and the eyes above us turned back to white. He asked calmly,

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