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A black kitten meowed when Haeun pat its head. Two bowls full of cat food has been surrounded by all 9 of her beloved cats. Haeun adored cats so much, she couldn't stand seeing stray cats on the street without bringing them back and raised them. She and Hana was so opposite despite the fact that they are twins. Hana didn't like cats, she's allergic to cats fur. That's why all of the cats aren't allowed to enter their house.

Haeun was busy playing with the black kitten. She didn't realize the bowls were both empty. The cats started to fight with each other. Before Haeun could calm them, one of them jump onto her and accidentally scratched her left arm.

"AHH!" Blood was gushing out real fast, Haeun became dizzy. She couldn't see lots of blood or she would faint on the spot. "Haeun!"

Her brother ran to her, that's the last thing she saw before everything turned dark.


"Please divide into a team of two. You can move now." The class became loud after hearing the instructions.

"Hey, do you have a partner?" Someone approached Haeun. She seems startled but trying her best to keep calm. "Ah, um, not yet."

"Okay then." Inseong took a seat beside Haeun.

The situation was a bit awkward as they never talked to each other even though they have been classmates for a year.

"So you're Inseong, right? Um, Youngbin's assis..tant?" Inseong chuckled.

"Wow you really believe the words spreading around huh? Youngbin would probably be laughing at me about this for 3 days. Well I'm not actually 'that' assistant, but.. yeah you can just call me Inseong." He smiled. "Okay." Haeun nodded.

"So, why did you transfer here?" Haeun nodded again. She had just transferred there for about 6 months. And on the very first day she entered the school, Inseong had already keep an eye on her.

"Well my dad-" "Wait what's this?" Inseong grabbed her wounded arm fully wrapped with bandage.

"Auch!" Haeun screamed a little. She tried to hide the pain but her face couldn't bear it.

"You're hurt.Let's go to the first aid room." Inseong had already stood up. "No it's okay-"

"Excuse me, sir!" Haeun sighed.


Haeun was arranging her books and stuffs in her locker when Inseong came.

"Let's go together." Haeun gasped. "You startled me!"

"I'm sorry. Heehee" Inseong showed his innocent smile. "Let's go."

As they were walking, Inseong kept asking Haeun various questions, not realizing where they were heading.

"Thank you for today. I hope I'm not burdening you for accompanying me here. Uh.. bye." Without turning back, Haeun went straight into her house.

"I'd do anything for you." Inseong murmured before he realized something.

"Wait- I live here too." He sighed then grinned.

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