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Haeun was wandering, searching for some drinks. She was in confusion when suddenly Inseong bumped onto her.

"Oh, Haeun-ah? Aren't you looking for drinks?"

Haeun grinned. "Yeah I couldn't find them in this huge mansion." Inseong chuckled.
"I know, right? Why don't we go for a walk?" Inseong suggested. "Yeah sure!"

They both took a stroll around the super wide park. It's not something to be amazed of in Dawon's mansion, as his family is the most richest among the neighborhood.

"So um, aren't you going to give me any reply?" Inseong started a conversation.

Haeun was surprised, she seemed a little bit uncomfortable and Inseong saw that.

"Err.. actually I--"

"Wait! There's a bug on your hair." Panicked, Haeun jumped frightenedly before Inseong could remove the bug. Haeun had really hates insects so much as she couldn't bear having them getting near her.

"Wait Haeun you might fall down." Inseong tried to calm her down, but Haeun didn't seem to listen to him. She jumped continuously, didn't remember the heels on her feet. Without any warning, she accidentally tripped and fell backwards. Inseong acted quick and tried to stop her from falling but instead he got himself pulled with her.

With both his hands supporting his body, Inseong's eyes widen as he saw Haeun's eyes close shut, with their lips met.


Inseong and Haeun turned towards Youngbin. Realizing the situation, Inseong stood up quickly, followed by Haeun.

"Youngbin-ah, it's not what you're thinking--" Inseong lost his words as he saw Youngbin's mad face. He had never saw him getting real mad like that, at least not towards him.

"Are you betraying me? How dare you? I thought we were best friend!" Youngbin moved towards Inseong, his fist landed on Inseong's cheek. Haeun gasped while Dawon and Jaeyoon stared at them, having no idea about what was going on.

Covering his cheek, Inseong tried to speak up. "Let me explain--"

The second punch laid on his other cheek, making him fell down. Dawon and  Jaeyoon then rushed towards them. "Stop it, Youngbin."

"It was an accident! He just tried to save me from some bugs, it was my fault that we both fell down. Is it too hard to listen first?" Haeun's eyes became teary. She didn't expect Youngbin would act that way to his best friend.

Dawon and Jaeyoon brought Inseong inside. A sudden realization hit Youngbin, as he saw Haeun cried while following them along.

Youngbin sighed. 'What is wrong with me?'

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