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"Congrats everyone! We've done it! We won!" The girls cheered joyfully with their gold medals hanging around their necks.

Haeun left them early as she got some important things to do. "Congrats." Startled, Haeun turned away. Youngbin was standing there, looking at her with the most genuine smile.

"Uh.. thank you." She forced a smile. She tried to avoid meeting his eyes, as she still felt awkward after that very unforgettable night.

"Excuse me." As she was just about to leave, Youngbin stopped her.

He seemed hesitant to say it. "Um.. about that night.. why weren't you doing anything?"

Haeun looked a bit shocked, but then anger started to rise inside her.

"What do you mean?" Her face obviously showed how angry she was. "No, I mean-" Haeun had already rushed away as she had no intention to hear further explanation from him. Or she was just too shocked with his reaction.

Youngbin sighed.


Haeun arrived at her locker. She grabbed her clothes to change.


A loud thud surprised Haeun. She turned to see Hana glared at her fiercely.

"If you get any more closer with Youngbin, you know what you'll get." Hana pushed her hard to the locker then leave.

Haeun could just stay silent. Even though she's older, she had already knew that her sister would do anything to get what she want.

"I don't want too."


Haeun walking down the streets alone. As usual, she plugged only one side of her ear, listening to her favourite song, Beautiful Light by SF9.

"Oh? Inseong-ah!" She waved her hand, trying to grab his attention. Thanks to Inseong and his brilliant jokes, they grew closer and closer everyday.

"Let's go together. Heehee."

Inseong just followed along Haeun. Unlike every other day, that day Inseong was acting a bit serious and didn't talk much. Noticing his changes, Haeun became a bit suspicious, and worried at the same time.

"Thank you for today, Inseong-ah. I should treat you some ice cream next time. Haha"

She tried to brighten up the mood, but Inseong didn't seem to get into it. She guessed she should just leave him alone.

"Okay then. See you tomorrow!" Haeun had already turned away, before Inseong grabbed her hand. "Wait! I- I have something to say."

Haeun became more confused. "What is it?"

Inseong seemed hesitant to say. His eyes fixed on the ground while his hand still holding hers.

"Inseong-ah? Are you okay?" She waved her hand in front of his face, trying to bring him back to earth.

"Actually I.. I like you."

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