Part 4

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Stella and Dre had walked around the back garden of the house talking before they found themselves sitting on one of the trampolines by the pool.

Stella checked the time on her phone and realized they had been talking for hours. They had talked about their childhoods, their families, their dreams...talking to Dre seemed easy.

"I better get going, I can't miss family dinner. My mom would be upset if I missed taco night." Stella said as she climbed off the side of the trampoline.

Dre followed her lead, "I'll walk you to your car." He walked along side her, accidentally bumping hands. Dre saw her cheeks turn slightly rosy as she blushed.

When they reached her car, Stella quickly got in and turned on the A/C hoping to cool the car of the Californian heat. She rolled down the window to tell Ondreaz good bye.

She wasn't expecting him to lean over the window. "Now don't be a stranger, I'd love for you to visit again. Even if Mia isn't home," Ondre said with a smirk.

That smirk killed Stella inside. "Oh you'll see me again, I'm sure," she calmly tried to reply. She could feel her cheeks getting hot and couldn't tell if it was from the heat inside of the car or her attraction to Ondreaz.

Before Stella could roll up the window, Ondre leaned in a bit further and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Drive safe, Stells."

Stella could feel her breath catch in her throat and began to drive off as quick as she could. She was not expecting to end her day surfing with falling hard for a guy she had just met.

On her drive home, all she could think about was that smirk and him calling her "Stells". She had to call Mia, she was crushing hard and what if he did this to all the girls that came to the house? Her mind began racing until Mia answered the phone.

"Mia, I need you to bring me some clarity! I just left your house and I can't stop thinking about your roommate."

Mia laughed, "Oh yeah, which one?"

"Mia you know damn well which one, the one you left me with while you went to get donuts." You could hear the air quotes in her voice.

"Ohhh you mean Ondre. What about him?" It was becoming obvious that she intentionally was trying to set you up.

"He isn't one of those douchebag assholes that's going to lead me on to break my heart, is he?" Stella thought back to her last few relationships and sighed.

"I think you already know this answer considering you two talked long? But no, Dre is one of the sweetest most genuine guys I've met Stella. I wouldn't had left you alone with him if I thought otherwise."

"Okay, I trust your judgement." Mia was right about her last two boyfriends being complete asses, why wouldn't she be right now? She always did seem to have a good grasp on knowing someone's character.

"Well, I'm just glad it's all working out." Mia replied.

Wait. What? Stella thought aloud.

Mia chuckled, "Guess who just left my room asking similar questions about you."

Stella arrived home and ended the call. She sat there for a few moments just thinking. When she finally decided it was time to go inside for dinner, she unplugged her phone from USB and her phone erupted in notifications.

Someone had been busy, her face began to burn again as she saw notification after notification of "ondreazlopez liked your photo" on Instagram. Her phone continued on for a few more minutes before she finally put it on "do not disturb" so she could get through dinner without having to answer her mom's questions about the constant notification dings.

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