Part 13

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After finally agreeing on a truce, Stella and Ondreaz enjoyed the rest of their breakfast date in peace. They listened to the waves and even saw a few dolphins way out in the distance.

Stella caught Dre in the middle of a yawn, "You slippin'?"

"Maybe just a little," he said with a small laugh and started to rub his eyes. "Let's go back to my place, we can take a little nap."

"I doubt I'll be able to sleep after that caffeine I just had, but sure." Stella grabbed the drinks while Ondre grabbed the towel.

On the way back to the Hype House, they sat in silence with the music low.

Stella saw Ondre yawning again out of the corner of her eye, which made her yawn. "Babe, stop that!" she said with a laugh.


Once they got to the house, Ondreaz showed Stella up to his room. "This is it, I share a room with Tony." He said before sitting down on his bed.

Stella looked around and smiled, "I like it".

Ondreaz scooted over making room and Stella got on the bed next to him. "I hope you like cuddling" he said before pulling her close.

Stella readjusted herself so she was facing him. "I do" she giggled out.

The two of them laid there cuddling and talking but before too long Ondreaz fell asleep on Stella.

She laid in silence while continuing to snuggle him, his slow steady breathing began putting her to sleep too.


Stella woke up to Ondreaz slowing tracing his finger up and down her arm. "Good morning, baby" he said smiling at her.

"Morning... what time is it?" Stella was surprised she had actually fallen asleep.

"It's almost noon."

Stella groaned and snuggled into Ondre's chest.

"Stells, wake up" he laughed.

"But I don't wanna..." she whined with her eyes still closed.

"But Stells" he used his index finger to lift her chin so she'd look at him.

"Hmm?" She opened her eyes to Ondre being inches away.

"I'm bored..." He gave her puppy dog eyes.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Stella was giving up on sleeping. It was obvious that Dre wasn't going to let her go back to sleep.

"Hmmm... this." He smirked and then pulled her into a kiss.

As Stella woke up more, the kiss turned into a make out session. Things were getting hot when Tony walked in on them.

"Brooo!" Tony laughed.

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