Part 18

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Ondreaz realized what he had just said, "I- I didn't mean it! Well... no wait! I mean it but--"

Stella put her finger to his mouth, "Ondreaz, we're both too drunk right now. WAY too drunk. Let's talk about it in the morning. Okay?" Stella was certainly sobering up now, she was NOT expecting him to say those three words.

All Ondre could manage was nod his head. He knew she was right, they were both too drunk.

"I think I'm going to go get ready for bed, can I borrow a shirt?" She had forgotten to bring an extra set of clothes.

Dre was still caught up in his thoughts... did he love her?

"Ondreaz, hey!" Stella touched his shoulder.

"Shit, yeah?" He was brought back to reality.

"Can I borrow some clothes?"

"Yeah, anything in my dresser is free game babe."

He watched Stella climb out of the pool and grab a towel to dry off. She slipped her shoes on and went towards the house.

Dre looked around the pool to see who was around to witness his slip up. The only people left were Ryland, Nick and Chase... and thankfully they were in the hot tub, jets going. He doubted they heard anything.

Stella walked through the kitchen and saw Tony sitting on a bar stool doing a live. She hurried past him and up the stairs up to his and Ondre's room.

She found a pair of sweats and a tshirt in Dre's dresser and went to the bathroom to change. As she finished up, she hung her swimsuit over the shower door. She heard the door closes in the bedroom and a loud sigh.

She walked out to see Ondre standing there with a towel around him, still dripping on the carpet., "Hey".

"Hi," he pulled out a pair of sweats and some boxers. "I'm gonna go change."

Stella moved out of the way and crawled into Ondreaz's bed. She laid closest to the wall so he could easily get in once he was done changing. She got comfortable while scrolling on her phone. The she remembered she needed to let her mom know she wouldn't be home, so she texted her mom that she was staying at Mia's house for the night.

Before too long, Dre climbed in bed next to her. He laid on his side facing away from Stella.

Stella could tell he was starting to shut her out. "Ondre, babe." She scooted closer to him, "can't we enjoy each other's company tonight? I promise we can talk about what happened tomorrow. When we're both 100% sober and ready."

Ondre rolled back to see Stella was right there, "you're right.." he sighed and pulled Stella close before kissing her forehead.

"I don't want things to be awkward between us, okay?"

Dre agreed.

4793: An Ondreaz Lopez StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant