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No one's POV

The big golden sun rose up as it's Ray's shined on a particular face. The person was still in his bed in a deep slumber but because of the sun, it woke him up. Her groaned and turned away from the light but it only seem to gotten more brighter. He frowned and sat up. He wore his fluffy slippers and went to the Comfort room to wash his face.

The cold water made him fully awake than he was before. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. He can say that he his masculine and his expression was cold but he did heard rumors that he is super handsome, he doesn't seem to believe that himself. Russia took the face towel of the rack and wiped his face. He brushed his teeth and went outside. He went out of his dorm and went to the public kitchen in his floor and the floor below them.

As he arrived, he went to the fridge and took out butter and ham. He went to the cabinets and took the loaves of bread. He began making his sandwich. "Russia?..." A hoarse voice made him freeze. He was the only one awake although it's already 8 in the morning and all of the countries are still sleeping because of course, it's a break. He turned around to see a beautiful, half-awake lady. She was in a night gown and she looked like an angel.

Russia quickly turned around to cover his hot cheeks. He continued to do his business. "Good morning" the lady said and sat down on the kitchen table also the dining table. "Good morning to you too" Russia greeted, his voice still monotone. Russia cracked to eggs and fried them, putting salt. He also cooked his hams and toast some bread. While he was cooking, someone stood by his side. He turned to the person and saw Philia taking care of his eggs. (that doesn't sound so good)

He was busy with the bread and ham he forgotten about the eggs at least Philia saved them. His bread and ham were done so as with Philia's eggs. Russia put them on two plates and Philia confusingly asked "whose these for? I thought you're the only one eating?". Russia stared at her, eyebrows raised "they're for you of course." He got his plate and went to the dining table "come, eat with me."

Philia stood there in her spot, face so red. She slowly picked up her breakfast and sat across Russia. Both stole a glance at the same time and looked away at the same time too. They both ate silently. "Thank you for the food, Russia" Philia thanked him and Russia only nodded. Anything for you he thought. Philia suddenly giggled. Russia looked up and asked "what are you giggling about?" Philia smiled "nothing, you really look cute in pajamas". Russia processed what she said before blushing madly dammit why did I forgot???? He furiously thought and looked at the lady before him "same for you" he said, Philia looked at him "you look so.....heavenly" he quietly said. Philia blushed madly "how unfair" she pouted. Russia smiled and it didn't help Philia at all. They continued eating, ignoring that their hearts were beating so fast and so loud.

Philia suddenly beamed "so, where are we gonna go out today?" She asked excitedly. Russia thought deeply, he wanted to go out and do something. Maybe...."what about GUM?" he suggested with his blank face and continued to eat. Philia stared at him questionably "what's this...GUM?"

"It's a department store." Russia said. Philia's face gleamed "it's fine with me. As long as I'm with you, there's no place I'd rather be" she then flashed her signature smile and Russia's eyes widened. He looked down avoiding her gaze. Philia noticed this and saw him turning red. "A-are you okay?" She worriedly ask and stood up to get a glass of water. She gave the water to him as Russia gulped the water down.

"T-thank you...." He quietly said. He was still red but Philia assumed he is alright although some part of her still worries. They finished their breakfast. Russia was about to wash the dishes but Philia insisted she'll be the one. They argued till Philia ended washing the dishes. Russia was just sitting down at the table since the sink is not to far away, he can see Philia. As soon as Philia finished, she went to him.

"Russia, we should prepare now. We'll be going soon" she said. Russia nodded and stood up. They both walked in the silent hallway. They reached Russia's door but Philia still has to walk all the way to the elevator. Philia knows Russia's door since it has a ushanka decoration. The female thought he'll go to his door but she noticed him still walking with her.

"Uhhh Russia, isn't that your door?" She pointed his door. "I'll be walking with you till you reach the elevator" he said, not sparing a glance and looking further ahead. Philia turned pink how thoughtful... She thought. They reached the elevator and Philia pressed the button. The door opened and Philia got in. She faced Russia and pinched him again, in the same spot "see you later Russia" she smiled then the doors closed.

Russia stood there but he was smiling with tinted cheeks "see you soon too.." he left and went to his room to prepare. Countries began to wake up from their slumber, groaning and asking their selves why they still need to wake up but two particular souls thanked that they got to wake up and spend quality time together, alone.

Philia's POV

The elevator doors began to open. I was greeted by a group of countries, specifically the asean family since the floor I live in is the asean section. "Good morning" they greeted "good morning to all of you too" I greeted back with a smile and got out. The asean went in. I bet they're going to the public kitchen too. I proceeded to got to my dorm. I arrived and opened the door. Martial was still sleeping. His mouth was wide open and you can see him drool a little. I chuckled at my brother, how cute... I quickly went to my room and got my phone. I quietly took a pic.

Soooo cute I smiled and went to my room. Martial already knows I'm going out with Russia since I told him yesterday although he teased me all night. Then, I reminisced what happened a while ago. I covered my face with my hands. "Oh my....."

I got my towel and went to the bathroom. About fifteen minutes later, I got out. Oh no, I forgot to prepare I looked at my cabinet. No I don't like that, not that, no too pink, not today, certainly not this I continued to scan till I saw a baby blue dress that reached my knees. It has sunshine patterns all over it. This is the one I quickly changed and went to my vanity table. I did light makeup to highlight my looks and 3 inch beige colored heels. I looked at the body mirror and smiled. I felt so light pretty. I got my purse then my brother suddenly barged on my room.

He smirked "aha, my sister is growing up." He teased. I playfully slapped him on the shoulders "kuya..." I said. He smiled and patted my head "you look beautiful, Russia is sooo lucky" he pinched both of my cheeks. I look at him weirdly then he widened his eyes. He let go and cleared his throat. "Eherm, Russia is waiting outside" he said. "Thank you kuya" we went of my room and I opened the door.

Russia was standing there. He wore a baby blue button up shirt and black jeans. He stared at me then looked away. Why does he always look away after looking at me? "Why are wearing that? It's still snowing you know.." he said in a monotone voice. "Don't worry, I'm gonna wear this long wool jacket" I reassured him and showed him a wool jacket that reached not too far from knees. He still frowned "but it's not covering your whole body, you might get cold" he said. "Don't worry Russia, I'm sure the mall will heat up and warm a bit since it cold" I said with a smile but then a thought came to my mind "do you not like what I'm wearing since you keep complaining?" I asked with a smile although I'm slightly hurt.

He widened his eyes "no. You look very....pretty" he said and he turned red. I also turned red from the compliment. Then suddenly, someone pushed me out slowly till I felt Russia's chest. I turn back to look at Martial. "Yeah enough with the talking and be on your way, lovebirds..." He smirked then closed the door. We stood there in silence. I felt really hot and nervous then a hand was in front of me "shall we go?" I turn to look at Russia, although his face is blank he has a nervous expression. I smiled and accepted his hand "we shall". Russia also slightly smiled as we made our way to the elevator.

Chapter 9 is finished, thanks for reading


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