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No one's POV

The three countryladies went outside the building. The shortest one was wearing a hoodie to cover her nekomi ears and for her tail, she just showed it. "Why are we outside?" Philia asked.

Nekomi smiled "if you're looking for a cure, you need to follow me of course" she said. Malaysia was just cupping her cheeks the whole time because she's with two nekomis, she's about to explode because of the cuteness "why can't I be a nekomi?"Malaysia pouted Nekomi giggled "I can't make you a nekomi Malaysia, only my brother can because he's part nekomi, not like me who is a nekomi 24/7".

Philia was confused "you mean, Japan is contagious?" she asked " errrrr kinda?" Nekomi replied. They arrived at the middle of a wide space. People was just passing by, doing their business. "So how do we cure this madness?" the shortest one asked. "Of course show it to everyone! Confidence is the cure" Nekomi exclaimed happily "eh? really?" Philia asked "of course!"

"Eh? but she already did and the outcome was not good" Malay said. Nekomi raised her brows "why?" Philia chuckled unsurely "they react rather not normal, at least for me.." Nekomi turned to look at all the Russian people passing by before shrugging her shoulders "Welp, there's only one way to find out" she said, grabbing Philia's hoodie. Philia's eyes widened in surprise "Wait a minut-"

Too late, the people heard the ruckus from the females and turned their attention to them. It was like everything turned to slowmo when Philia's hoodie came off.  It was very silent till you can see a red substance dripping out from people's noses. Some fell on the solid ground and some looked away from the Pilipina nekomi. 

Malaysia facepalmed and Nekomi sweated while smiling nervously "see?" Philia said shamefully. Nekomi turned to look at her nekomi friend. She smiled sincerely before saying " Don't worry Philia, someone will accept this side of you and that will bring the confidence in you" she held Philia's right shoulder. "heyyyy let me join!" Malay exclaimed. The Malaysian held Philia's left shoulder and she told her "Were one of the few who accepts you.." she said reassuringly.

Philia smiled at hugged both females. Nekomi and Malaysia was shocked from the sudden embrace nevertheless, they hugged back. "Nekomi!!!!!" someone shouted from afar. The girls broke their hug and Nekomi turned the way where someone called her. In the distance was North Korea with another country. Nekomi ran to where North Korea is"OPPA IS THAT YOU?" the Japanese shouted. "Who is that? beside North" Malay whispered to Philia. 

The Pilipina squinted her eyes "Is that South?" she asked unsurely. Malay widened her eyes in shock and excitement "you mean, South Korea??" she said. Philia nodded and went to the Korean twins. North Korea noticed the two coming and went to them. He patted Philia as she giggled. Malaysia ruffled North Korea's hair then he frowned. 

"What are you guys doing here?" N.K asked "oh, were just looking for a cure" Philia answered. North Korea blushed as he saw Philia as a nekomi how come I didn't see that? he thought to himself "I see.. so the rumors are true.." he said as he turned his heel around and walked to his twin.

They tailed behind North. Nekomi squealed as she rushed to her friends "Oppa, do you know them?" she asked South as she hugged the females. South smiled "of course, Philippines and Malaysia" he said. Malay forced herself not to fangirl in front of her idol. He noticed Philia and went to her them her pinched her cheeks. "sooo cuteee" he whispered. Philia blushed "thank you.." she said despite being pinched. 

Nekomi noticed Philia's cheeks beginning to turn red "O-oppa やめて" she said. South stopped pinching Philia and turned to look at nekomi "okay then, if I can't pinch Philia darling then I'll pinch you" he charged at Nekomi and began pinching her. Her cheeks began to feel swollen

"O-oppa..it hurts. やめてください(Yamete kudasai)" Nekomi whined. South widened his eyes as he furiously blushed, pulling his hands away in an instance. Awkward silence filled the group "Dude, you literally sounded like a voice actor in hentai.." North Korea said out of nowhere. Philia, Malay, and South blushed as Nekomi did her hair flip them she said "Bitch, I am Hentai"

North had his mouth agape . Nekomi did her girly giggle and motioned them to go inside the building since the temperature is slowly decreasing.


A week has passed yet Philia remained a nekomi. She was currently in the cafeteria with all of her friends, yeah, all of them. They noticed her feeling down because of it as Japan day by day, is drowning in his guilt "Piri chan, I'm so sorry" he said. The whole group rolled their eyes without Philia knowing "Bro, you probably said that for about 998th time" America said and the rest agreed.

"Well it's my fault in the first place afterall" the Japanese said. His twin which was beside him, facepalmed "Bro, if your'e gonna drown in your guilt, your getting nowhere" she said. "I'm sorry" Japan apologized. Martial gritted his teeth in annoyance "Just stop saying sorry, dumbass" he said lowly. "sorry...." Japan apologized, again.

The whole group stood up, about to attack the Japanese. Nekomi sweated bullets and stood up "Hey! people, why not let's hang out in the new arcade, two blocks ahead?" she said. Philia's head perked up from curiosity "Oh? there is?" she said. The whole group calmed down as Nekomi sighed in relief oh thank goodness she thought

"Yeah there is, wanna hang out maybe, this Thursday?" she asked the whole group "I'm in!" Philia was first to raise her hand. "well, if my sister will go, then I will go" Martial said and the whole group nodded. "okay! Thursday it is!"

Author speaking, I'm sorry for a boring chapter, again.


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