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No one's POV

The noisy gang made it to their destination. One by one, they went out of the vehicle."Woah... This place is beautiful" Philia stared at the view. The place has a lot of trees but no leaves in it. The trees was filled with icicles. The ice just bring it to life.

"Just like you.." someone whispered in her her. She hurriedly turned her gaze to her right side. "Spain...you scared me." She said as she held her chest "sorry mi amor, your beauty just brings this place to life.." the Spanish said, his arm on Philia's shoulder.

Philia smiled as she sweated while turning red. Suddenly, Spain was pulled away from the female. Another man was holding her "Spain, back off." America said as he raised his glasses revealing those ocean blue eyes. Philia stared at it in amazement before she looked away, blushing.

I never knew America could be so.....dreamy and Spain being so charming she thought as she rubbed her nape. "Uhh Philia, are you okay?" America asked, looking closely at her, their faces inches apart.

"Ahahahahaha, yeah I'm fine!" She quickly said at went away from America.

Philia stared at the sky as a snowflake fell on her nose. She smiled "it's just like the first time we met, right?" A voice near her asked.

"Yeah, that was pretty.. embarrassing" she said as she looked at Moscow. The group was busy walking around and taking pictures since the scenery was beyond beautiful.

But then, Philia had an idea. She smirked "oh no, I think I dropped something" she said as she bent down to reach for the snow. Moscow who was busy looking at the sky, didn't notice her making a snowball.

"What did you dro-" he didn't finish his sentence since Philia threw a snowball right at his face.

He wiped the snow off him as he playfully glared at Philia. He bent down as he slowly made a snowball. Philia smiled nervously as she slowly backed away, ready to run.

The snowball was finished. "Run" Philia whispered as she sprinted away. Moscow was just behind her, not so far away. They laughed until Moscow hit Philia on her back. She plopped on the snow as Moscow laughed so hard, he clutched his stomach.

He felt another snowball hit is face. The ball was from Japan. "Don't do that to piri chan" he said.

He looked so brave and all but then, he fell towards Moscow. Moscow was shocked, he saw America holding a snowball "you're so overprotective of Philia, give her a break" he said.

America was also hit by his right side thanks to Indonesia. Without wasting any time, Moscow made a snowball and threw it to Malaysia near Indonesia.

Malaysia was shocked "Don't drag me into this!!" She exclaimed and made a ball, throwing it to Spain before Spain could throw a ball at Japan who was about to stand up.

They ran around like kids, dividing themselves to 2 groups. Icicles was consisted of Japan, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Snowflakes was consisted of Moscow, Spain, and America. The two groups hid behind lumps of snow. The lumps was meant for their protection/base.

They started throwing snow at each other.

Snowflake side~~~

Moscow was busy making the snowballs while America and Spain were the one throwing it to the opposite team. Suddenly the icicles stopped throwing at us.

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