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No one's POV

Philia instantly woke up the moment the sun rays hit her face. She went to her bathroom to take a quick bath. After changing clothes and preparing, she went outside with a huge smile on her delicate face.

She was headed to the ground floor to eat outside. Yes, outside because she wanted to try food outside the building. "Looks like someone woke up at the right side of the bed" a female voice chirped in.

"Oh, Viet!" Philia said with a grin. "Where are you going?" Viet asked "I'm going outside to eat." The Filipina answered. Vietnam raised her brows "why? What about the food here?" She asked. Philia shyly smiled "my reasons.."

"Well, mind if I join you?" Vietnam asked and Philia nodded. Along the hallway, the met the country that usually wears his ushanka. He was walking while carrying thick pads of paper. Philia blushed and went near him

"Good morning Ruski!" She greeted gleefully while closing her eyes. She was waiting for his reply but got none. She lightly frowned and slowly opened her eyes only to be greeted by.....nothing.

Her head swiftly turned to look at behind her and she saw Russia walking pass her, not sparing a glance. Philia felt hurt nevertheless, she smiled but she felt broken. Vietnam went to her and patted her back "come on Philia.."

They went along the way to the elevator. The doors was beginning to close suddenly a hand inserted in between "WAIT" a male voice said. Indo and Malay was standing outside with a smile "were coming with you"


The four leaders were already in a restaurant. Since it was still early, the place was not packed. Indo, Malay, and Viet were happily chatting but the shortest one was not having a great time.

She was stirring her now cold coffee, her head on her arms which was resting on the table and she had a sad face. She sighed and the group noticed.

"What's the matter Philia?" Indo asked and Philia instantly shook her head "oh! Nothing!" She said with a smile but, is it real?

"Do guys noticed anything about Russia?" Malay asked. Indo furrowed his brows when he heard his girl saying another man's name "why?"

"He's a little..off or maybe back to being cold" the Malaysian explained and Viet widened her eyes "that's right! This morning, Philia went to him to greet him" Philia's head perked up upon hearing her name.

"But he didn't mind her. It seems like there's something wrong.." Viet rubbed her cheeks. Philia hung her head low, hands on her lap what happened to him? Did he realize the kiss was a mistake?

"I am sooo ready for this night" Malay said enthusiastically. The rest had their interest when hearing the topic and they seem to forgot one little soul whose heart was crushed.


"Aren't you excited Philia?" Malay asked. Philia just hummed as she continued doing Malay's hair. "You know, I wouldn't want the meeting to end" the Malaysian quietly mumbled. Philia raised her brows "why?"

Malay blushed "because I want to be with Indo.." she said. Philia was happy for the two but now, she's thinking if Ruski feels the same. She huffed.

"Okay, it's done" she said. Malay stood up to go to the mirror and when she did, her mouth went agape "gosh....wow Philia this is amazing!" Philia shrugged the compliment off but thanked her "I look like a different person now.." Malay continued

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