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A tall country made his way to his favorite cafe. He was bored at the same time, he was sad. Why? No one greeted him a happy birthday. Even his siblings forgot this day. His face remained cold and dull but he was upset. The cafe door opened and the bell hanging on the top, rang.

The cashier person looked at the person who went in their shop. The cashier's eyes widened but smiled. Russia went to her and ordered a frappuccino. The cashier in charge nodded and went to the barista for his order.

Russia finds a place to sit and he ended up and most corner of the room. His order arrived and he thanked the waiter. He noticed that his frappuccino was beautiful and it had a lot of cocoa toppings. He shrugged it off and took a sip.

The warm liquid ran through his throat as his body began to relax. He slouched on his seat as he sighed. After his alone time, he stood up and went to the cashier and payed. The staffs flashed him a huge smile and waved. Russia nodded and waved too. He went out of the cafe, going to the world meeting building. He was planning to just work his ass off to forget that it was a special day, for him.

When he reached the place, he spotted Bela. Belarus had her eyes wide open. She was picking a package from their main door. They stared at each other for a long time. Aren't you gonna greet me? Don't you even remember? Those were what Russia wanted to say but he didn't bother. "What are you doing? What is that?" He asked his sister, pointing at the package.

Belarus sweated and she looked behind her. She waved her hands lowly so that Russia couldn't see but Russia did but he couldn't see who she was looking at. He leaned left and Belarus also leaned left "say, brother...did you check the new arcade two blocks ahead?" She asked but Russia didn't respond.

Russia then leaned right but Belarus also leaned right "brother, didn't you said you were going to go to coffee mania?" She asked again but nervousness was evident in her voice. I can't see what's happening inside... He thought.

Right, it's Philia's birthday too he blushed at the thought but then he felt sad again I bet a lot has been greeting her already.. he gave up looking and told his sister with his usual monotone voice "I'll be in the plaza.." he said and turned his heel.

Belarus smiled and shouted "okay!". When Russia was out of her sight she sighed. "Haahhhh.. finally, we can get to the surprise." She said and carried the package inside.

The went to the main floor and it was filled with busy countries and staffs. The place was filled with party hats and balloons everywhere. There was a huge dining table filled with delicacies from Russia and Philippines. "I got the party poppers" she said out loud for the countries to hear. The countries smiled and nodded.

China, went to her. He was the one who planned the party but the main event wasn't this party. Martial got super mad and pissed when he knew what was the main event but he agreed in the end because, it's his comrade and sister's birthday after all.

About 15 minutes later, they were finished. Belarus motioned Kazakhstan and Ukraine to fetch their lonely sad brother. They smiled and nodded.

Philia came down. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHILIA!!" The countries greeted out loud. Philia smiled gleefully "wahhhh thank you!!!!" She said and clapped her hands.

But then her claps got slower when she realized something "but, it's Russia's day too. I bet he's upset.." She said sadly. China went to her and patted her head "pearl, I know something that'll make him smile.." he said. Philia gleamed "what is it?" She asked excitedly. Martial went to China and grabbing him by the collar "you sure pearl won't be hurt or won't be touched?" He sternly asked.

precious °rusphil°  completed✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon