part 6 ~ at the house

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Eventually I heard the door unlock, it door swung open and I was met by some beautiful blue eyes.

Tr- "y/n? Y/l/n?"
Y/n- "yes that's me. I asked Chris for the address. I needed to get away from my family and Chris said it was okay"
Tr- "okay well they're all downstairs. Follow me"

I followed Tristan down the stairs and eventually we found Chris.

C- "heyy..."

He trailed off. Looking me up and down. I looked down, remembering what I was wearing.

Y/n- "oh I didn't have time to change. I kind of just stormed out of dinner"
B- "wait. You're y/n y/l/n. No way"
Y/n- "I heard you're a big fan"
C- "anyways, how come you left the dinner?"
Y/n- "just complicated family stuff, I needed to leave Anyways do you maybe have something I can change into?"
H- "I have some clothes you can wear"

Heidi grabbed my hand and we went to her room. She handed me jeans and a t-shirt, with socks.

H- "need some other shoes too?"
Y/n- "ah that'd be nice. Thank you"
H- "it's okay. Anytime"

Heidi left the room and I got changed. Once I finished, I went back into the room where all the boys were. They had a bunch of ring lights set up.

Y/n- "what are you guys doing?"
B- "setting up to go live"
D- "we go live on tik tok from 9 till 11 everyday except Mondays"
Tr- "you can join if you like"
Y/n- "ah I'll hang around but I'll try to stay out of the cameras"
C- "here. Come sit near me"

We walked over to the ring light on the end of the row. Chris grabbed a stool and placed it beside his ring light.

C- "you can sit there. That way no cameras will see you. Zach will make sure the top one doesn't either"

He pointed at the one sitting on the top balcony.

Y/n- "oh that's okay I'm not facing that one. If I get up, I'll just duck"
C- "okay. We start in 5"

I didn't even notice it was 9pm already. My parents guests got there so late. I can't believe she just ambushed
me like that as well.

Z- "ready, we're live in 3,2,1"

They started their live videos. Music began playing and a bunch of lights turned on too. They were having so much fun I honestly forgot where I was.

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