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The same day.

BUCKY WASN'T SURE IF he was hallucinating, or if all the wiping he endured had really messed up his brain.

Of course it messed up your brain, he thought, but to this extent?

Standing in front of him was a man fully fitted in a black catsuit. A freaking catsuit!

Angelika's mouth dropped open at the sight of the man, looking completely confused. If this was any other time she would probably have run the opposite direction, just from the cat-likeness of the man.

She didn't like cats, and preferred dogs over anything.

The cat held out his arms, revealing claws that emerged from his fingertips.

Bucky lunged at the man and Angelika rushed towards their survival bag, pulling it over her shoulders quickly. She was instantly weighed down and she pulled it off, seeing as she couldn't move with it on.

Bucky was contemplating whether or not he had travelled to a different dimension, or worse, cats were turning into fully grown men. He didn't have much time to think about it as he almost got clawed in the face.

The cat slammed his foot into Bucky's face, before slamming his knee into his chest, Bucky grunted, remembering how Steve had kneed him into a truck on the highway bridge.

Bucky quickly dodged the man's sharp fingers that ripped open parts of the roof.

Angelika was trying to drag their survival bag down the roof but she found it close to impossible.

Bucky spared her a glance before he was tackled to the ground, the cat pouncing onto him. Bucky's eyes widened as the man tried to claw his neck open. He grabbed a random iron bar, holding it in front of him as a measle shield.

The thing snapped in half and Bucky quickly grabbed a hold of his arms. He grunted and Angelika ditched her bag.

"Papa!" She cried as she jumped over to him.

Bullets suddenly rained from above and the cat basically acted like a shield for Bucky, bullets tinkering off of his suit.

Angelika on the other hand wasn't so lucky. A bullet lodged itself into the side of her stomach and she gasped, letting out a small cry of pain.



Bucky said in worry before kicking the cat off of him.

His chest flared with anger as the Winter Soldier inside of him tried to come out of his consciousness. Bucky snarled as rage flickered behind his eyes.

Hurt me, that's fine, he thought angrily, hurt Angelika and I'll show you what the Winter Soldier can freaking do.

He shook his head, pushing away the homicidal thoughts as best as he could. He grabbed her with one arm whilst grabbing his survival bag. He swung it over his shoulder as Angelika winced.

"Мы должны разделиться."

We should split up.

He said quickly as he jumped off the roof, landing onto the side of the building.



Angelika cried as her bullet wound fully closed up, the metal tinkering onto the ground below them.

CHILD | james b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now