The Start of it all

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We got mad and I carried Erin  in and laid her down on a stretcher me Hank and the rest of the team waited in the waiting room while they checked everything out. I supposedly was pacing back and forth when Natalie came out saying that Erin won't do the rape kit with out you their So I followed her back to erin room. She had he sobbing and in tears her face was all red and puffy. I ran up beside her.
J=jay , E=erin
J: erin baba it going to be ok Natalie said you wanted me. You got to let them do a rape kit baba  ok just let them do it I'm right her nothing going to happen to you and I know your scared but I got you and I don't care what hank say I love you and I will always love you .
E: ok you guy can do the rape kit but jay can you pleas stay with me  I don't what you to go.
J: I won't baba I'm right her I got you I always have

(15 minute latter)
Jay: Erin was sleeping finally and I decided to go get hank . When I got Out there the rest of the team was already gone to go look for Erin  biological father
And it was just hank and Kim their. Kim is like a sister to erin  so it made sense that she was there. I walked up to Hank and kitchen and explain to them what was going on and that Erin was sleeping. About five minutes after talking to him and he will walk behind me and ask to speak to me I said ya and went down the hall . what up !

Hey jay I'm sorry that I Have to tell you this but erin is  pregnant!
J= what! Are you sure
W= ya I'm sure
J= ok I'll tell her
W= are you sure
J= ya I'm  sure

J : hey erin their something that I need to tell you ok  and I just want you to know that I'm her for you and I will help you get through this ok .
E: Jay your scaring me what's going on. Did the results come back from the Rape kit or the test that they ran.
J: yeah it came back I'm sorry to tell you this but your are pregnant.
E: what no no no this can't be happen I can't have my dad baby I don't what to have his baby he not even my dad he lost that right when he beat me as a kid and rape me I don't what to have his baby jay I love you and. I want to have children with you  and no one else jay I'm sorry.
J: hey baby no why are you say sorry this is not your fault ok non of this is your fault and If you don't what the baby there are option and if you what to terminate the pregnancy I will be right behind you and have your back but promise me before you leave that decision any other decisions that you will think about it first.
E: ok I'll think about can you tell hank I can't
J: ya no problem

Hey hank we need to talk. Ok what up. Erin pregnant. What! Is it your? No god no not that is would be a bad thing but no it is her biology father. Erin said that she said that she don't what this a baby I told her what ever she decided  I will be right behind her and support her. And she told me that she would  think about her opponents Nat in their know doing in ultrasound to see how Fare along she is. Ok I'm going to see her. Ok 

Hey kiddo how are you fell? I'm ok I guess hey I know that you  don't agree with me and jay dating but I love him and I know that you're trying to protect me and I love you for that but when it comes to me and Jay I don't need protection I know that he's gonna take care of me and have my back and I would really like your blessing for me and him to date. Aaron Honey don't worry about that right now I know Jay has your back and I know that you love him and I know how much he loves you and I'm not really worried about that or care too much anymore she told me that you were pregnant. How are you fell how many we are you. I'm 1 A month pregnant so I think it jay and please don't be mad  we kind of got together after I Joined the task force joined the task forces and I know you told him that was off limits but I love him. Erin stop it ok I'm not mad I'm going to be a grandpa and I'm happy about that but you need to tell jay he think you are going to  get ride of the baby he need to know it is his ok . Ok you are right can you stay with me when I tell him. Sure thing kid let me go get him.


Hey Er what up hank said that you need to tell me something. Ya Um I look at Hank for reassurance and he nods his head telling me that it's gonna be OK . Ya well jay I'm 1 month pregnant and it's your. Not my bio fathers and I want to have your baby I want  to start a family with you  and be with if you wnat me. Erin Lindsay Voight how could you say that  I will always wnat you and love you and Don't you ever forget that and I can't wait to be a  father to
Our baby and I'd be honored to start a family with you you are the only person that I want to start.

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