A long 3 months🥰😬

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Benjamin is finally one month old and is just the cutest baby ever , and I could not ask for better. Jay  was on leave with me for another month and I was still on leave for another three which being at home doing nothing drove me crazy but I love spending time with my son.

I was sitting on the couch with Erin enjoying our time here , with our son Ben was upstairs sleeping and he normally stays sleep for a few hours before he wants to be fed or changed. I started to stare at Erin and couldn't help it her glowing hair and her face . When our son Starts to get fussy over the monitor I looked over at erin for her to go get.

( Erin: / jay: Conversation)
I look at jay gesturing for him to go get ben. Jay turn to me and say "it your turn"
"No I got him the last time he woke up"He probably hungry Er and I can't give that to him" Jay replied.
"Uhhh why do I have to be the only in that can feed him , how long before we can get him on formula." I get up to go breast-feed Ben and ask jay to fix some lunch.

ERIN: hey bud, you sleep shorter then normal .
He only sleeps for two or three hours before he wakes up he wakes up needing a change or a feeding or just wanting some attention.
I finished feeding ben and headed downstairs with him to see what Jay was fixing for lunch.

( Erin:/ jay:/ conversation)
"Hey , how's the Little man doing? "Jay said as I walked in the room.
"Fine ,it's  going to be fun to see how your going to do at home alone with him in a few week." I replied.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"I don't know? I so do not what him to be come a mama boy." as I say that Erin punches me light and playful "heyyyy what was that for?" Jay asked.
"You know what that was for, know let eat."
I put Ben in his Little bassinet and we eat. Once we get done eating Ben is sound asleep in his bassinet Jay upstairs and take a nap.

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