Benjenman special day

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I am 4 months pregnant now and today is Ben's birthday he will be 1 and he says a lot more word like mom dad and bye and hi we have got him on solid foods but we still get him a bottle but only at night try to to get him to go to a Sippy cup or something but it hasn't been working out very well So we have to give in and he has just been ok with a bottle only right be for he goes to bed and I'm carrying a child so my Energy has not been up to so I let it go most of the time I and jay have this big part plan Ben like to watch the light go off whenever I and jay go on a run or when the fire trucks come by so we ask Herman if he would help us set up his party at firehouse 51 and he would get to ride on the fire truck and everyone was going to be there.

Today was my little boy's birthday and Aaron was getting ready we're just waiting for a text from him telling us everything is ready and as we waited  I was talking to Erin about ya maybe getting a house which means the baby was going to have to sleep in our rooms she agreed with me and latter going we were going to look for a house that was nearby. About 15 minutes later  Kim text Erin telling her we all set to go I told Erin and we left the house.  Ben was in the car dancing in his car seat getting him to go to bed tonight was going to be hard.

EV= everyone, CH: Christopher Herman
E: we arrive at the firehouse and I go to get back out the car he us all excited and bounce off the walls   We walk in the hole place is bark and ben was holding on two my leg as he was a little nervous because it was so dark.
J: hello
EV:  SURPRISE!!!  AK=  Kevin Atwater
E: Been jump back and start claiming up my leg begging me to pick him up with water in his eyes.
J: how the idea was this. Ever one point to Adam is you kidding me this is great but next time let not do the hole glitch black dark and surprise thing on a one-year-old.
EV: noted. Ya, we did not think that through very well as we all look over at Ben how is a cry in Erin's arms.
AK: hey little man we did not mean to scare you can blame your uncle Adam for that since it was his idea but her I her it your birthday and do you know what the birthday boy gets to do well they get to go take a look at the fire truck and take a ride as well what do you say.
E: I hand him to Kevin and him bright up right away we all go take a seat and start to talk while Ben. Was spending some time with Herman and Antonio's sister Gabby.
H: hey kiddo how it going how that baby of yours.
E: great actually I have not felt him or her move and I have not had much morning sickness this time around so doing ok. 
CH: hey Er little man wants his mom.
E: ok what happens
CH: why does something have to happen
E: Because I left him with Adam not to mention all of you
CH: hey what that supposed to mean I'm responsible and nothing happened he's just asking for you
E: you maybe but the people I work I don't need my baby boy trying into a daredevil. Hey buddy what up I herd you want me.
B: mommy!! ba,ba
E: I don't have your bottle Buddy remember we said only at night. 
CH: hey u think we have some cake inside you want some cake little man.
B: (nodded head yes)
CH: hey we can bring it out her Erin if you didn't what to move.
E: no it ok we will be in a minute.
H: hey before we go in why the only bottle at night
E: well we could not get him to eat any Solid food all he would want to be his bottle with milk in it so we stop giving it to him and trust me he threw a fit first week or two of it but it worked out he still asked for it here in there even though it's not bedtime me and you're just trying to stay strong and get them to eat food instead of just drinking milk and we give it to him at night just because it's a lot easier to get him to go to sleep it wines and down just a bit.
H: I'm proud of you kiddo you have done an amazing job. Now let go eat some cake and sing happy birthday.

ERIN: me Jay and the little man we're back at home and Ben was tuckered out and form he's amazing birthday party which I could think Carmen enough for setting up and the rest of intelligence for helping. I and Jay I was sitting on the couch watching a movie when I felt a term but a strong jab at my stomach which caused me to gasp.

I looked over at Erin how was smiling and watching a movie with me when she gasped and was breath heave. Erin baba are you ok? Is the baby ok? What rong talk to me Erin. " jay calm down I'm fine I think he or she just kick me." really omg that our baby. I pulled her into my arms and watch as she Started to Fall asleep.

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