Emma Camille Halstead

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P.S there are some parts in here that I explain form my person experience my cousin has autism so I kind of have firsthand knowledge of it so don't come at me because I know not every autistic kid is like this and they are all different so this is just from my personal experience.

Summers: Erin gave birth to a baby girl that was 2 months early and has to stay in NICU for about a month until her lung fully developed but otherwise she's perfectly healthy and fine Erin had a jarring time calming her alert after the birth and could not slow her breathing form when she was in labor and giving birth so they need to sedate her so her body goes back to breathing normally also so she wouldn't pass out.

Erin has been in the hospital for a day now and is now being released. Her sedation had almost practically worn off and now she was just getting some rest. Jay? "Hey Er how you fell?" Ok where Emma? NICU for another month we had to sedate you after you gave birth to you we're having trouble calming yourself down. "Did I hurt any on did I hurt our daughter." No Erin your hart was call needed you to relax otherwise your body was going to start to get in eventually would've passed out but you and the baby it ok you just scared yourself after you had her. Will said that we could leave today and come and check on Emma at any time." ok what about Ben how is he." He fine he has Ben staying with hank fro a few days he has not to meet Emma yet I figured we should introduce him to go together so let go and see our son.

H: hey Erin how you doing kid
E: better.
B: mamma daddy
J: hey buddy listen to me be careful Mommy still a little sore so you can't jump on her just test you have to be gentle OK buddy.
B: ok daddy. Hi mommy
E: hey buddy it ok you can hug me just have to be careful.
H: hey why don't you go get you stuff while I talk to your mom and dad.
B: k
H: so how is the little one
J: she fine they are keeping her for a month just so her lungs can develop but otherwise she fine.
H: well that good how are you really erin and don't say that you are fine you gave us a scare after you had her.
E: I'm ok really I'm not really sure what got into me or what happened but I'm ok.
H: so what did you name her.
E: Emma Camille Halsted
H: you named her after your mother
E: ya
B: Mamma can I see my sister
J: later buddy She needs her rest and mommy need to go home and get some too but I promise tomorrow we can go see her
H: man he has really grown I funny I could not get Justin to say this much until he was 2 and a half
E: ya well her is a mini jay so
J: hey what that supposed to
E: oh nothing.
H: hey before you go one more thing Jay you're on leave for the next 3 months and Erin you're on leave for the next 4.
H: it not up for discussion you need time to recover and the both of you need to Focus on your family at the moment.
J: thx hank see you later.

E: Jay do you think she ok
J: baby stop worrying she's fine will their and so is Natalie they both said that they would check on her every few hours she's fine to relax and get some sleep I'm going to check in Ben.
B: daddy
J: hey buddy it almost midnight what are you doing up
B: is mommy ok
J: ya she fine don't worry Buddy she's not going anywhere and she loves you and so do I try to get some sleep ok
B: ok daddy I love you
J: I love you to
E: how is he
J: he was still up worried about you
E: is he ok
J: he fine Erin he 1 almost 2 he can tell why you are worked up or upset about something he fell how stressed and how anxious you are about leaving Emma and he can sense that he worries about his mom.
E: I know I'll talk to him tomorrow I just want her to be ok.
J: she is Erin but the way we react to things rubs off onto him and he can tell when something up I just think we together need to do a better job at keep our emotions in check for him and try not to worry no let get some sleep.
B: mommy! Mommy!
E: what up buddy
B: can I sleep here, please
E: of course and I'm sorry if I scared you
B it ok good night
J: Night

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