Ch. 2; My Home

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Does it matter how many times your heart beats per minute? What about per second? Milli second. Is it possible to make a melody inspired by how many times your heart beats? No, that sounds to cheesy.

I contemplated on whether or not, I write my philosophy essay deep or not. I mean, I want to make the teacher proud of course, but I don't want him thinking I'm a try hard, you know? I'm exhausted now, I've always enjoyed being deep in thought, but now it's feels to soon to be. A boy, miraculously saved me, and I never had the courage to thank him. Well, maybe from afar, but that's certainly not the same. I'm still confused about what Louis had either told Harry, or asked him, it was said in so many ways I can't decipher which way he meant it.

"Man, I thought you were dead with the rest of 'em."

Did my savior almost die? Did I just call him my savior? Sure he saved me from Louis and all, but I bet he didn't do it for me anyways. Harry probably did it because of his unknown past with Louis. You know, I shouldn't even be thinking about this, I could fail philosophy for all I know!

I finished my full page of wishful thinking, and handed it to Mrs. Jones. She was a sweet old lady, with a kindred spirit. Oh god, now I sound like Anne, from Anne of Green Gables.

"Thank you sweetie, I bet you my last penny your going to ace this!" She chimed, gently grabbing my essay.

I smiled warmly back, and made my way out of the classroom. You know, I wonder what Mrs. Jones story is, she is obviously married, since she is a Mrs. Maybe her story is heart wrenching, or maybe it's beautiful. I suppose I shouldn't worry about somebody else's life. Although, I've always been interested in many people's lives. Like that old man who lives across the street from me. He seems as if he could hurt a fly, without feeling miserable later on. Sometimes, me and my brother make up these ignorant stories, and laugh right after. Even if it's about a helpless old lady being killed and thrown into a bush. I still don't even know why we laugh at that, it's kind of cruel. Scratch that, it's extremely cruel. For all we know, he could actually be a psychopath, and an innocent lady could've been murdered and thrown into a bush.

I think way to much, but at least I'm back. Kind of.

Anyways, back to the point. I've always wondered who that old crotchety old man is, for real. He could be harmless for all we know, and all those stories me and my brother make up could be all fake.

"Hello again." A husky, scary, voice tingles through my ears.


"I'm not here to hurt you babe, just here to apologize for my rude behavior towards you. I know how much it bothers you, and Harry." He cooed, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Wha-what do-does uh, Ha-H-"

"What does Harry have to do with this?" I nod, "Trust me, I'm asking myself the same question, over and over again. He's always been a protective kind of guy, you know?" I stay there oblivious to what he was saying, "Right, you wouldn't know. Sorry. Anyways, maybe he's taken a like in you."

Did he say sorry? Nah.

But Harry, taking a like in me? I don't think so. Not one boy in this school actually admires me. Heck, they don't even fancy me! I'm just a no gooder, which makes me sad in way, but the truth hurts. I've always been aware of the truth, but I keep trying to stay strong. I say, no matter how much it hurts, things will get better, eventually. I could be wrong for all I know, in fact I probably am wrong. Nothing in my world ever gets better.

I look into Louis' eyes, dazzled by how blue they actually were. Well, it was like a sea green, but it was beautiful. As if I was in front of the sea, admiring the Dolphins jump out the ocean. For a second, I swear I saw that, but I know it's my imagination being it's silly self, like always. I've never complemented Louis before, it feels weird to do that, he scares me. Why would I admire his eyes now? I suppose it's because I've never been this close to him before. Wait. Why are we so close? He wasn't this close last time I checked, I'm quite scared right now. Well, I always was anyways.

"Um, I-I, have to go." I rush, bolting past him and into the dreary halls of my school.


"Yeah, he just randomly saved me out of the blue, like it was nothing. Then Louis told me-"

"Wait. Louis? I thought you hated him?" Liam asked, concern evident in his voice.

"And I do. He just came up to me to apologize or whatever. Anyways, back to what I was saying, he told me that Harry might've taken a like in me. Saying he's always been a protective kind of guy. Weird right? I didn't know that would actually happen in my life. But then again, Louis could be lying, and-"

"You talk way to much!" Liam exclaimed, chuckling afterwards.

I have to admit, when I'm with my brother everything that weighs on my shoulders, seems to disappear. Liam is like my guardian angel, helping me through the tough times. And that's what I love about him, plus, it makes up for the fact that I always wanted an elder sister. Of course me and Liam get in fits, but don't we all? It's a natural thing for siblings, and I'm blessed to have little fights with him only, because in the end of each fight, we burst out laughing about how childish we are. I have to admit.

"So how does going to that abandoned tunnel like we usual do sound?"

You might be itching to know what this tunnel is, if not, I'm still telling you. It's where me and Liam do stupid stuff there, such as play futball (soccer) or even that child game, tag. He even trains me how to fight, if it ever comes to that. My favorite thing about the tunnel though, is when it snows. When it snows, we play fun snow fights with the neighbors kids. Liam and I usually always win, until the new family joined and crushed us last year. I'm still getting over the fact that they beat us in a match of a snowball fight.

I shook my head yes, in utmost excitement. To be honest, I feel like that's my most happy place. My home, but Liam keeps telling me that Governor St. is where I live. That's my home, but I still don't except it. I'm quite stubborn, as you can tell.

When we arrive, I shoot Liam a glance, that only he would understand. He simply smirked, and glued his gaze towards the tunnel a couple meters away from us.

"Go!" I shouted, followed by running as fast as my speedy legs could. I felt free, and confident. Something I feel very rarely. I enjoyed the wind blowing in my hair, my Chuck Taylor's getting even dirtier when I stepped in muddy puddles. I wasn't one to be clean most of the time. I laughed when I passed Liam, feeling proud of myself for passing him. It proves my strength, and I love it.

I looked in the corner of my eye, and noticed a figure watching me from atop a hill. I couldn't make out who he was, but he definitely seemed familiar. And I was scared, scared for not just me, but Liam. Suddenly, I stubbed my toe against a chunk of dirt, and tripped falling flat on my face.

"Oh my god! Paris!" Liam shouted, rushing over to me, faster then he was last time. Was he just trying to make me feel strong? Typical brother.

"Are you okay?!" He urged, picking my body up and holding me bridal style in his arms.

"Y-yeah." I shook, groggily bringing my palm to my forehead.

"It's going to be okay, Paris. We're almost home."

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