Ch. 20; This Will Always Be My Home

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Knowing your life would turn out so scary, is impossible. You'd never actually be ahead of time, because like I said before, society killed the teenagers. In the beginning of this book, it was all fun in games. You would've never expected Mabel to be one of the bad guys, and certainly didn't think I'd start to feel for the Louis Tomlinson. I was always scared of him, cowering away when he came towards me. In a way, my love for him was always there. Since I first met him, I suppose you could say.

Then, there's Harry Styles. Brother of Mabel, and sadly owns a broken heart like the most of us. I suppose you could say I fell in love with him too, in a way. Except, what is love, to be honest. If you were put to the test to state your knowledge of love, what would you say? Love is family, and significant others. Friendship, what lies in the heart and soul. But, is that really true? I think that what lies in the heart and soul, is depression, hatred, etc. Honestly, I think at least, apart of your soul and heart is broken. Nobody's perfect, as Hannah Montana stated, and I one hundred percent agree with her.

Have you ever slipped out of reality? At the times where you feel absolutely hopeless, and nobody can help you. I can totally relate, due to the fact I'm doing that right this very moment. Although my expression is blank, and everybody thinks I'm out of it, I can clearly see Mabel's and Lloyd's sick smirk. It's extremely atrocious how somebody could enjoy someone's heartache. Somebody's broken soul, and heart. If God is even real, why would he allow horrible people to live on this earth? Of course there's a reason to there ways, and I feel sorry for them. Especially since I've learned that the bad guys always lose.

Is it possible for somebody so cruel, to feel emotions? Obviously they feel anger, and frustration most of the time, but do they feel love? I know for a fact that each person on earth is guilty of something horrible, no matter how small or big. We've all made someone cry, we've all made someone think they're worthless for more then a day. To be honest, is it really worth it? Sure you'll feel better for some reason, but only for a short period of time. Then, you'll feel bad for hurting that person, and if your lucky you won't care. Actually, in a way that's not something to be thankful for, because if you feel better for making someone feel horrible inside, then you want to do more of that, and it'll eventually become an addiction.

I noticed my hands were molded into tight fists, which made me immediately loosen my grip. I stared up at the two psychotic criminals, and made a cold expression.

"It's nice to see you here Mabel." I stated in the most calmest way possible.

"Same to you." She nodded.

"I'd like answers now, Lloyd." I sneered, glaring at the man before me.

"Of course, Paris."

I turned to both Harry and Louis, frowning at there worried expressions. So, with a simple wink, I left and walked towards Lloyd. He brought me upstairs, into an empty room. Although, to me it wasn't just any room. It was my old room from when I was happy.

My bed used to lay in the far left corner, whilst my pink dresser was opposite of it. I didn't have much toys, except for my television which had been hung on the wall. I only got it when I turned thirteen.

"I can see you remember this room." I nodded.

It went silent for a while, I suppose it was because I was too awestruck with my old room. I haven't seen it in what seems like forever, and I absolutely miss it.

"Well, ask away, Paris." Lloyd hastily insisted.

"Were you the one to cause the house fires here?"

"Yes. And I'm very proud of my work." I rolled my eyes, he's even more sick then I thought.

"How am I involved in this?" I thoroughly inquired.

"Very good question," He snickered, "Well, you see, Paris. Your parents ended up finding out about my diabolical ways, and threatened to call the police. So I simply returned the favor by saying I'd kill both you and Liam. That's one of the many reasons why you guys always moved and covered your tracks. Because of me."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and straightened my posture. I hadn't thought it would be this hard.

"Why does Louis owe Harry money?" I chocked out.

"Because Louis burnt down Harry's hideout. He didn't know this at first, but Harry stole his money, and the money burned with the building." He shrugged, taking out his pistol and twirling it around with his finger.

I kept watching him twirl the weapon on his finger, and instantly tensed in my spot. The only thought in mind at this point was to pounce on him and take the gun.

"Am I scaring you, Paris?" Lloyd teased.


Of course I was frightened. But I certainly didn't have the guts to straight out tell him.

Lloyd stopped playing with the pistol, and dropped it on the ground, which instantaneously made me jump up in fear. He simply chuckled at my fright, whilst I fought back the tears.

"Any other questions?"

That was it for me. The lazy grin, and sly remarks, only made me cower, and bubble with anger. So I did what any rational person would do, fight back.

I rammed into his chest, making him stumble back some. He cackled, making my courage disappear a little. I held on to that bit of hope, and kicked him in the stomach. He fell on the floor with a thud, holding his lower abdomen, as if it would ease the pain. I took that chance to grab the gun from behind me and cock it at Lloyd.

"You're getting, smart." Lloyd remarked, whilst coughing up clots of blood.

"You killed my parents, and ruined my life. I think it was a clever move on my part." I sneered, pushing the trigger just the slightest.

"Speaking of your parents." He mischievously smirked, "They wanted me to tell you that they love you, and Liam. Oh, and that they're are proud of there little girl."

I bursted into tears, showing my vulnerability in front of Lloyd. Although I was quite scared to, I couldn't help but show my pain. I did, somehow, want him to know how I felt. I wanted him to see what he had done to just a humble family. I remember my mum kept telling me that things will get better, that I will live a happy, apple pie life. Back then, I believed her with all my heart. Hearing such positivity from my mother was special to me.

One night, I heard my mum crying, whilst my dad soothed her. It was the night before we moved. I was tempted to walk in and comfort my mother with dad, but I didn't want to disturb her and daddy. Mum never knew I heard her pain, only because I didn't want her to know. I was scared she'd start crying again.

In a way, I wish my brother never introduced me to Louis. I would've never felt for him, I would've never met his cruel father. My parents would've never died.

We could've been happy.

But happy endings never actually existed. Maybe in fairytales, and Disney movies, but not in the real world. That wouldn't be normal, to say the least.

"You're not gonna shoot me?" I shook my head, no. I wasn't as sick in the head as he is.

Suddenly, the door to my room swung open, whilst a bunch of FBI agents flooded into the room.

"FBI! Put the gun down!"

I dropped it on the floor, backing away with my hands up. Except, they didn't arrest me, they arrested Lloyd.

I heard footsteps behind me, and got scared by turning around in fright. Luckily, it was only Liam coming to hug me.

"Liam!" I cried.

"It's okay Paris, it's okay."

Liam stroked my hair, whilst I bawled my eyes out. A mixture of emotions was stuck inside my head, but at least happiness was one of them.

This will always be my home.

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