Ch. 5; Money

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Things have been quite these past few days. Harry's given up on me, and I'm sure Mabel has as well. Louis hasn't uttered a single word to me lately, not even a nasty comment about my outfit. I'd love to say I'm happy now, but that'd be a lie. Without Harry and Mabel accompanying me, I'm back to being my old self. My old self meaning; I'm quite, I stutter constantly, and I'm invisible. The odd thing though, Liam hasn't been talking to me at all. Unless nods, and 'yeahs' count as conversation. My mum and dad have been to busy to notice my lack of being myself, which leaves me feeling lonely, and useless. Again.

I don't even know what I had done to cause everybody to ignore me like that. Especially Liam. He would usually be the one to comfort me when I get down, to bring my mood back to one-hundred percent joyful. Sure the peace and quite is fulfilling, but when you've been without talking to somebody for more than a week, things can get bothersome.

So today, I've decided to confront Mr. Harry Styles himself, to at least tell him how empty I feel, and that I'm worried for him. Although, maybe I shouldn't bother him. Maybe he's avoiding me because he's tired of hanging around me. What if Mabel, and Liam feel the same way? I suppose I've been a heavy burden towards them. When I'm in trouble they're forced to make me happy again. But I'll tell you this, I am not, under any circumstances, taking advantage of them. You know, I do try to stand up for myself, but my thoughts always get in the way of my courage, my confidence.

I started walking over to Harry's locker, ready to scold him for being so inconsiderate. I have just as much emotions as him, and right now they're hurt. I finally had a friends, until Harry and Mabel decided to ditch me and make me feel worthless. Rage was bubbling inside of me, and I think for a very good reason.

"Hey Styles!" A voice shouted, which alarmed me. Who was talking to him? Maybe one of his friends. I immediately hid behind a locker.

"What do you want Tomlinson?" Harry I presume, sighed slamming his locker in the process. Except, why was Louis talking to Harry?

"How's my favorite lad?" Louis replied.

"None of your God damn business, now get out of my way." Harry hissed.

I took a peek to see what was happening before me, and was shocked to see Harry pinned to the locker. And the culprit was, Louis. I slightly gasped, but they didn't seem to notice so my heart rate calmed down.

"Just wanted to know when I'm getting my," Louis paused before whispering, "Prize."

Harry glared at Louis, obviously he didn't have what Louis desperately wanted, or he simply didn't want to give it to him. "I'm not handing the fucking money to you."

Money? Why would Harry owe Louis money? I suppose I shouldn't be worrying about it since it's none of my business, but it just makes no sense. I thought back to when Louis reminded Harry that his parents left him. Maybe they owed him money and now Louis is just expecting Harry to pay him back instead. That's a long shot though.

"Oh come on Harry, don't be that way." Louis chuckled, but that only seemed to make Harry even more angry.

"Don't be what way? Rational? Look Louis, it was a long time ago. You should just put the money behind."

"Look Styles, I wasn't the one to screw up. You were. It is only fair that you make up for what you've done."

"I'm aware or that, yes. But it's not my fault! You know that!" Harry sassed, pushing Louis away from him and almost heading my direction.

"Whatever Styles, I just want my money."

"Don't expect it anytime soon."

And with that, Harry left, not even noticing me, the one who witnessed the entire conversation. I was struck with confusion right about now, well actually ever since Louis showed up. Why does Harry owe Louis money? Who are those guys they had been talking about. Maybe my assumptions are correct? Could this all evolve around Harry's parents?

I shouldn't even be here. I checked to see if Louis was there, and to my advantage, he wasn't. I stepped out of my hideout and headed to Language.


"Honey! Someone's at the door for you!" My mom shouted, making me jog down the stairs to see who it was.


"Surprise!" She exclaimed, giving me a tight hug.

I closed the door after she came in, and lead her into my home. It was odd to see Mabel coming into my home. I thought she was ignoring me? I suppose I was wrong, again. Maybe she was just mad at Louis and needed a breather. I certainly needed one, so it wouldn't be weird for Mabel to want the same.

Liam again, was in his room doing his homework. So there weren't any distractions. Although, I'd like Mabel to meet my awesome brother. Guess that won't happen anytime soon.

"I was thinking, since things have been awkward this past week, that we could have a girls weekend. Or whatever they call it." Mabel offered, "What do you say?"

"Well, I have nothing better to do, so why not?" I agreed, causing Mabel to do this weird happy dance.

"Great! I would've called, but I kind of knew you'd say yes." Mabel chuckled, getting a small snicker out of me. I sure missed her, my only friend, other than Harry. Well, I'm not so sure about Harry anymore.

At least though, Mabel was here for the weekend so I didn't need to stress about what's been happening between Harry and Louis. All I need to worry about is having fun with Mabel.

And maybe, just maybe, I could get some information off of her about Harry and Louis' situation.

{Sorry, short chapter. But you got to know a little bit more of the mystery. Do you think Paris' guess on why Harry owes Louis money is correct? Vote. Comment. And/or follow me!}

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