Ch. 3; Saviors and Homework

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Today was one of my worst days. Due to the fact, my face was covered with scratches and bruises. All over a person who seemed to be stalking me atop of a lonely hill. I knew he had to be male, he was built like one. Except, what guy would want to stalk me and possibly my brother. You know, maybe I'm overreacting. He could've been one of Liam's friend, who wanted to talk but saw me accompanying him. Though, why would he be on a hill?

Without even noticing, I accidentally bumped into somebody. I cowardly stepped back, hiding my hideous face.

"Paris? Paris look at me." I hastily shook my head 'no', whilst taking small steps backwards.

Suddenly, I slammed into another person, making me go weak to my stomach. Although, this person reacted differently. They grabbed my hand, spun me around, and started running in the opposite direction of Louis. I didn't try squirming my way out, I simply allowed this mysterious person to willingly transport me somewhere Louis wasn't standing. The persons grip was strong and their hand was rough, yet soft. So the only person in mind, who would miraculously save me like that was, Harry. But, why would he save me once more? Aren't I a burden? Well, I definitely thought I was, since I always seem to be in such horrible situations. Then again, I could be brutally wrong, and it's one of Louis' friends, trying to torment me.

We rounded a corner and stopped. Obviously, we were behind the school building where it seemed quite and safe. Only students who could careless about school come here, and it seems as if it had been abandoned. Which I quite admire. I turned around, and was finally able to identify my 'once again' savior.

"Harry!" I chimed, jumping onto him for one of the biggest hugs I could possibly give him.

I hugged him like a leach, not once letting for I wanted this moment to be special. If he saved me again from Louis, then he obviously cares, if not a lot, a little. That puts a smile to my lips, somebody other then my family cares for me, maybe. People say to never bring your hopes up, but I think right now is a perfect opportunity to do so. Nobody in my school has ever stood up for me, not even once. So for Harry to save me, not once but twice, it makes me one of the happiest little buggers on earth.

Liam told me that sooner or later, somebody would come to their senses. Meaning, someone would finally wake up and see how cunning, and outgoing I am. Liam was right, somehow, and that just makes me smile wider. Liam's never been correct on any hunch he's had. I remember once he went to the casino, saying his luck was fully loaded. Except, when he came back, he was bankrupt. Plus, he owed the bank more than a hundred dollars. Imagine that, working at Target and having to owe the bank. That is absolutely positively, depressing.

After a moment or two, I let go of Harry, and innocently smiled at Harry. Is that a good way to apologize for hugging somebody to much? I suppose so.

"Thank you." I breathed, "For saving me back there from Louis, he could've made my face look worse!"

Then, I remembered my abused face. So I immediately covered it with my cozy arms, and took a step away from Harry. He's probably thinking, man she's ugly, I can see why Louis picks on her. Why am I helping her in the first place? I would absolutely not be shocked if he was thinking that. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he shouted out loud for the entire school to hear.

I wiped the smug expression off my face, and mentally noted to not smile any longer. Even if I really want to. Thinking it was the right decision, I turned on my heel, and started walking away leaving my confidence behind. Actually, I don't think I ever brought it with me today anyways, so there was nothing to forget. Yet, somehow I heard my name being hollered, and I knew the voice. It was Harry's. Though, why is he even calling me back? I thought I was a 'loser', that nobody would ever like.

A hand gripped my shoulder, making me look at the person, with utmost fear.

"You're welcome Paris. Just be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt." Harry abruptly demanded, before walking away. And leaving me quite dumbfounded.


I trudged my way into my house, and heavily sighed. Today, was one of the most exhausting days of my entire existence. Harry saved me for the second time this week, Louis, well Louis was Louis. And to top it all off I was handed so much homework, that not even Albert Einstein could count the amount.

"Rough day, Ari?" A voice chuckled.

"Ugh, yes. Liam, do you get this much homework in your school?" I exasperatedly questioned, lazily waving the thousands of paper in my hands.

"As a matter of fact little sis, I do."

I huffed in response, and sat at the kitchen table.

Question One: Write a two page essay, concerning the explanation of life.

The explanation of life. Well, life can be explained in more then a thousand ways. It means different things to different people. For say, Louis had this essay, and he was put to the test to tell the teacher what life means. He'd probably put useless stuff, such as: Life is all about futball, food, friends, family, and girls. You see, I can't live without all those things which 'concerns' life. He wouldn't even think twice. Grammar would be a complete disaster, plus he'd leave the other page blank. Due to the fact, he could careless about education. He probably goes to the back of the school building like everybody else.

Now for me, it means trust, family, respect, success and freedom. All but family, that I don't have. I believe that a life isn't complete without those five simple words. Trust; because your life could be complicated without it. Family; because they love you unconditionally, and you wouldn't be here. Respect; because everybody desires it, for they want to feel happiness in their life. But you can't be with somebody for instance, and not respect them. Success; because we all loathe the ones who are when we're not. We want to be known and feel untouchable. And finally freedom; but I think that is pretty self explanatory.

I gathered up my thoughts, and made it worth two pages long.

"What're you writing about?" Liam questioned, stealing my paper which wasn't finished. "The meaning of life?"

I nodded, tugging at my paper so I could have it back, but Liam was to satisfied with teasing.

"Liam!" I begged.

He finally gave in and handed me my philosophy homework.

I've always hated when Liam teased me. I mean sure he's my brother, and that's what 90% of the population of brothers do, but he could've been different. Different like my nonexistent perfect life.

But you know, life is never actually perfect. If life was perfect, everybody would love each other for our well, perfection. So, if for say, I came strolling down the halls, they'd bully me for not being like them. I guess that's what life really is, if you're not like the cool kids, you're a nobody.

"Earth to Paris!" Liam chanted, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I just was thinking of something." I mumbled, and continued with my homework.

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(Sorry for filler chapter. It will get better! Promiso! Ooo, and I thought the stuff Paris had been thinking of was quite clever? Am I right? Bye lovelies!)

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