Ch. 4; My New Friends

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I was confused. Deeply shocked that he had come up to my locker willingly, just to have small talk. Well, there could've been a different reason, but I'm not so sure.

"Hey." He smiled, waving to me afterwards.

"Um, hi?"

He frowned, possibly thinking that I didn't particularly want him here. Though I do! Nobody has ever wanted to talk to me, and that makes me happy. Somehow, I'm starting to make friends. Well, maybe I'm getting a little to ahead of myself, but things are starting to take a right turn in my god forsaken life.

"Why're you here?" Oh God, I sound extremely cocky.

"Just to talk, if you want me to leave, I can." He answered, almost turning around before I stopped him midway.

"Wait! I'm sorry for sounding so cocky. I swear that's not what I was interpreting. I'm actually really happy that you came to talk to me! Well, I guess it's because nobody's ever tried, so it's an honor. Well, not an honor. Not that I'm not pleased to be talking to you! Just-"

"You know that you talk way to much, right?" He chuckled, leaning on the locker closest to him.

I nodded, rubbing my arm awkwardly. Do I really talk that much? I know that I think an awful lot, but I didn't know I was capable of talking my mouth off. I constantly converse with my brother a heck of a lot, I always thought it's because he's my brother. And siblings do that all the time, right? Maybe I'm babbling because I've never spoke to him before? Except, I usually stutter like a mad fool when somebody speaks to me and I've never spoken to them before. Why is he different all of a sudden?

I stared into his eyes. Actually feeling more calm right after. They were a deep green. Like the forest at night time, and the moon glows on the leaves. They're so different, and rare. Nothing compared to my cheap brown eyes, that always scream 'boring'.

"Class is about to start, and I believe we share the same one?" He proposed, extending his hand out for me to take.

"You-you want me to hold your hand?" I mumbled, still staring at his large hand.

He dropped it to his side, and chewed on his bottom lip. I must make things so awkward.

We both walked side by side towards our classroom, enjoying the blissful silence in the school. It's very rare to have a quiet hallway, since there's always somebody making chatter with another person. Today was different though, and it brings a smile to my lips. He wasn't looking at me, and nobody was around so I thought it was appropriate to use my smile.

Did you know, even if you force a smile on your face when you're sad, you'll start to feel a little bit better. I would smile all time if it weren't so hideous. You see, when I smile the ends of my lips curl a little, making me look absolutely stupid. I actually look like the Cheshire Cat. Which isn't a good thing by the way.

We made it to class, in a knick of time, so when we walked inside it was empty, with only our teacher Mrs. Dean writing on the chalkboard for our new lesson. So in retrospect, it wasn't empty.

"Miss. Payne! You've made a friend I see." Mrs Dean smirked, "Nice to see you Harry."


"When I fell, Liam was so scared, you should've seen his face. It was priceless!" I said, flopping my head back in hysterics.

"Wow, you and your brother are quite the pair." Harry chuckled, pushing his fork into his salad before eating the lettuce.

Mabel on the other hand, couldn't confine her laughter, she laughed and laughed, whilst the entire crowd of students watched her curiously. I snickered at Mabel's outgoing personality before taking a bite out of my sandwich.

Not to long ago during literacy, Harry, Mabel and I started to chatter for a bit since we were extremely bored of Mrs. Deans lesson. Mabel forced me to eat with her and Harry at the cafeteria, and I just couldn't say no.

"So, how do you like it?" Mabel asked, stabling her silent chuckling. (She was starting to get dirty looks from the others.)

"What do you mean?"

"The cafeteria silly. You told us that you usually eat at Starbucks all alone. So I was wondering what you thought of here." She shrugged, taking a large swig of her juice.

"The foods disgusting. The people are annoying. But all and all its swell."

Both Harry and Mabel started to laugh at my response, making me actually smile. In public. Where everybody could see me. I think I deserve a cookie for that.

"You have a gorgeous smile Paris. You should use it more often." Harry insisted.

"Harold! No flirting at the dinner table!" Mabel demanded, slapping his arm playfully.

"Yes mum." He muttered, but with a smile on his face.

"Am I aloud to say thank you, at least?" I inquired.

Mabel nodded before I spoke, "Thank you, Harry."

Suddenly, Mabel and Harry stopped what they were doing. Harry stood up, a cold expression on his face. Mabel didn't look to pleased as well, making me turn my head, only to find Louis Tomlinson staring back at me. I shuddered at his gaze before turning away and slouching in my seat.

"Well if it isn't Paris, with her new friends." Louis snickered, "Never thought I'd live to see the day."

"Back off, Tomlinson." Harry growled, hardening his gaze.

"Well look at that, you even made a boyfriend? Two in one, how lucky." Louis teased, patting my head as if I was some pampered dog.

"We're not together!" I snapped, standing up in the process, "So just stop right there Mr. Louis Tomlinson! You're nothing but a bully, and I absolutely despise it! It's like you feed off my fear, and vulnerability! You know, I keep asking myself what I've done to you. If I have ever hurt you in any way, shape or form, that I don't know of. Either way, I sure as heck hope it hurt a lot."

"Paris, Paris, Paris. Such a fragile little girl you are. Trust me when I say this, you have not, and will ever hurt me mentally or physically." Louis scowled, "So listen here-"

"If you think you're going to threaten her Tomlinson, or even hurt her. You're completely wrong." Harry butted in, taking a step towards Louis, as if they were going to start fighting.

"Oh, trust me Styles. I've got something rather more accomplishing in mind. Think of it like when your parents left you."

"That's it!" Mabel intruded, hopping out of her chair, and running over to Louis.

"You're such a jerk!"

"That's all you got, Mabel." Louis pushed.

Mabel then connected her fist with his face, making him stumble back a little. My spirit rose a little, knowing Mabel just punched mister almighty. When this is over with, I'm going to praise her with gold and money. I'm sure of it.

"Now get away from my face." Mabel sneered.

Louis nonchalantly left. All the girls rushed over to him, like he was some innocent child that got hit by a car. Only difference is, Louis isn't an innocent child who got hit by a car. Although, I think I just stated the obvious, am I right?

{P.S - I just love protective Harry. Don't you? What do you think of Paris' new friend Mabel? Vote. Comment. And/or follow me!}

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