Ch. 18; When Reality Bites Back: Part One

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"Please Louis, come with me and Harry to Holmes Chapels!" I pleaded.

"I promised myself I wouldn't go back there." He stubbornly remarked.

I scowled, "Is it because the police are after you?"

Louis went silent for a moment. Obviously, I had hit a nerve, and I wasn't the slightest bit of guilty.

"Why are you even going there?" He hissed, although he had been glaring at Harry.

"Uh..." I hadn't a clue what to say. Telling Louis might the reason might cause him to stay behind.

"Nevermind. Let's just go."

I was shocked that he finally agreed, but at the same time relieved because I could catch the insane man who killed my innocent parents. Why my parents murderer wanted me to bring Louis and Harry, of all people, was out of my reach. I was thinking that this man could have something to do with there gang, but I wasn't exactly one hundred percent.

I drove my brothers truck to the airport, which was far enough from my house. Louis sat in the back twiddling his thumbs (literally) whilst Harry sat in the passenger seat watching the road intently. The air was thick, meaning Harry and Louis weren't the happiest to be in the same vehicle. Except, they were together in the hallway when I was extremely mad, so I don't exactly understand.

"I thought you guys were friends now?" I inquired, hoping to get an answer out of one of them.

"That's hysterical, Paris." Louis commented.

"But just this mourning you guys were together in the hall whilst talking to me."

"We were worried for you, Paris. We joined each other to find you, for you." Harry answered this time.

I nodded, not actually believing them. These two hated each other, and being side by side just for me is to unrealistic.

I swerved into the airport parking lot, before climbing out of my brothers truck and slamming the door behind me. Harry and Louis did the same while jogging to me.

We bought our tickets to the flight to Holmes Chapels and luckily, we were able to board the plane.


The plane ride was long, make that five hours long, but we were able to manage the boredom. Now, we're in a rental car driving up to my house. Scratch that, my old house.

Honestly, I was terrified. I wasn't ready to see my dead parents, but at the same time I just wanted to hold them and tell them (although they're dead) that I love them so much. I was itching to kill this criminal who murdered my parents without even thinking twice. I wanted him to pay for what he had done to my parents, to my brother, to me. I seriously loathed this man, and I knew for sure he would pay for all he had done to my family.

But, who exactly is this man? Lloyd came to mind, but that couldn't possibly be true. Harry and Zayn confirmed that he only stalks people. So he couldn't actually be able to kill somebody. Right? I suppose I shouldn't underestimate a psychopath.

I rounded a corner, and to my dismay, my house had been staring at me. Gripping the steering wheel, I gulped. This was the house where me and my family were happy. Well that is until school started. This is the house where both me and Liam were raised, where I met Louis.

"I know this isn't the right time, but I need this to get off my chest." I blurted, "Louis, when we were younger and we would always play together, I-I, had a crush on you. It wasn't big, well I think it wasn't, but it was still there."

The car went silent for a while. Louis had been looking at me as if he was trying to figure out my deepest secret. Harry had been glaring at the window, was he jealous? I don't exactly know.

"Well, uh we should go inside." I gulped, breaking the silence and getting out of the truck.

Louis and Harry followed, and I tried to contaminate my terror. Too bad it was extremely uneasy.

I gently knocked on the door, but it seemed to be already open. I stepped in whilst Louis and Harry did the same.

Here goes nothing.


Being the chicken I am, I stiffened in my spot, and somebody grabbed my hand. I looked down to see who's it was and it had been Harry's. I slightly smiled to myself and looked back up.

"Is anybody here?" I asked again.

Silence. Silence bombarded us inside this dreary house. I was worried that this maniac killer forgot about us, and we were left here fooled.

Louis walked further into the house, inspecting the empty halls.

"Oh my god!" Louis' voice echoed throughout the house.

Harry and I bolted to where Louis had gotten terrorized, and once I saw what he saw, I bursted out into tears.

"No, no, no!" I kept repeating to myself, shutting and reopening my eyes in hope that this was all a dream. Pinching myself, and screaming was my last thought of trying to wake up from this horrifying nightmare, but it was to no avail.

"Who are they?" Harry pondered to who I assume Louis.

"H-her parents." Louis whispered back, whilst stroking my hair. Even though Louis stroked my hair, it oddly comforted me dramatically.

It became silent for what seemed like hours. Only my constant cries and screams were heard. I was to stubborn to believe they were the people who loved me unconditionally, but I knew deep down that this masked murderer had definitely killed them.

"Why won't he show his face!"

"Who?" Louis urged.

"The killer who killed my parents. He's to selfish, and scared to show his face! I bet you any money that he's cowering in a corner, crying for-"

"Talking about me?" A voice hissed behind me, meaning only one thing.

The killer, is finally showing his face.

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