Ch. 6; Oh Brother

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I slightly opened the door, and found Liam on his bed, playing on his laptop. This seems to be all he does anymore, and it hurts a little that he doesn't pay attention to me much. I miss my brother, my odd, fun loving brother who always makes me smile. I was still curious to the reason why he's ignoring me. Maybe he's just really busy with school and all, and he doesn't have time for me. Except, although he's busy he'd find to time to hang out with me before. Sometimes I'd even have to help my older brother with his homework. So things still make no sense.

"Liam, why are you ignoring me?" I sighed, sitting on the side of his bed.

He adverted his attention off of the computer and looked at me. His eyes were more dull then the last time I saw him, and he looked stressed. Something was definitely up, and I intend to fix whatever is going on.

"Get out." He snarled, "I don't need my annoying little sister in my room all the time."

Annoying sister? Is that what am to him? Is that what I always was to him? Tears welled up in my eyes, I was dumbfounded that he'd say something like this, but also very hurt. My own brother is practically disowning me, and for what? I don't even know! I stomped out of the room, but before I closed the door, I replied to his awfully rude comment,

"Well, I don't need a big brother who is a complete coward."

I slammed the door shut, and ran into my room. Once I shut my door, I couldn't fight the tears anymore, they fell down my cheeks and landed on my bed sheets. How could my brother say such a thing? What have I even done to make him say that! The last thing we did together was talk about our favorite movies. You know what, it's probably his least favorite movies now, since he hates me so much. Like he said, I'm an annoying little sister, that he doesn't need, or even want.

My bed side table started to vibrate, which startled me until I found out it's because my phone was getting a call. I reached over to it and grabbed my phone, answering although it was a private caller.

"Hello?" I sniffled into the phone.

"Paris? Why are you crying?" The caller answered back. And I think it was Harry.

"Is this Harry?" I asked, a hint of hope in my voice.

"Yes, now will you answer my question?"

I smiled at acknowledging it was Harry, "First tell me why you're calling."

He sighed, obviously frustrated that I wasn't telling him why I was distraught, but hearing his voice made me happy for some odd reason, "I just, I guess I missed you." He started making me blush a little. "I'm sorry for being such a dick towards you. I truly am. It's just things have been going on, and it's hard to put up with you know?"

I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me so agreed verbally, "I know how you feel Harry. I just hope things will get cleared up." It kind of helped knowing exactly what he was talking about, but I'm not about to tell him I knew. Things would get heated in the conversation, which I don't want.

"Will you tell me why you were crying?" He pleaded into the phone.

"Um, it's nothing." I lied.

"Don't lie to me, Paris." He scolded.

"My brother called me an 'annoying little sister', but I'm okay."

The conversation went silent after that. What did I do this time? I've noticed I say or even do stuff that makes people angry, but it's unintentional. It took a while for Harry to answer, but he finally did.

"It's not 'okay' Paris, and it's not alright," He started, but I interrupted, because he was wrong.

"It is Harry. Look, I got to go, but I'll talk to you later. Bye!"


I pressed the end button and slammed my phone onto my bed. I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. Everybody has been telling me; "It's fine!" "Just let it go!". Except, your know how hard it is to think its fine, or even let the bad go? My demons have gotten to my soul, and I'm afraid nothing can take them down.


I mopped my way into the school, and actually excepted the nasty stares I got from the others. I reached my locker, finally, and unlocked it chucking my book bag in it then locking it again. When I turned around, I concentrated on my surroundings. Groups of girls, giggled at boy no older then them with huge 80's glasses. He seemed so fragile, and weak. Like me. I wanted to walk right up to them and slap each girl in the face for teasing him. What did he do to deserve being bullied? Being himself? Is it such a crime, to show your true colors and enjoy what you enjoy? Why do the people who are the exact same make fun of the ones who aren't like them?

I then payed attention to a group of jocks in the corner. They seemed to be having a good time, laughing at stupid jokes that the others come up with, and leaving the others alone. The thing that made a ghost of a smile appear on my face was the fact that a girl, who dressed appropriately, was apart of the conversation. And they didn't take advantage of her, they treated her like she was one of the guys.

I sunk down to the ground and started to cry. Cry for my brother, cry for Harry, for Mabel. For my parents. For me. I wasn't as brave as Alice when she she fell down the rabbit hole and fought the jabbawalkee. I'm not as confident as Elizabeth when she fell in love with Mr. Darcy. I'm just me, a weak, scared little girl, who annoys her brother apparently.

"What are you doing?" A voice scoffed, making me look up with my puffy eyes.

"L-Louis?" I squeaked, cowering in fear.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, a bit of... guilt in his voice.

I didn't answer his question though, I simply got up, wiped my tears and walked away. I wasn't going to put up with his laughter because I look absolutely ugly when I cry. Plus, I'm angry that he's demanding money from Harry. But I still don't know the reason, so I shouldn't bring that into the situation.

I walked into my first class, and sat down. Ignoring world. In fact, I grabbed my phone and earbuds and listened to the calming voice of Ellie Goulding.

Why does life hate me?

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