Ch. 7; Party's and Meeting New Friends

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Lonely thoughts they seep, into mind, into me, pushing deep...

"Will you turn that down Paris?" Liam snapped before he ran down the stairs.

I heaved my hands through my hair. I suppose you could say I was stressed, but the blame is on my brother, and school. Yesterday, Mabel insisted I go to a party. I hemmed and I hawed, but I ended having to be ready tonight. Mom and dad were to busy to care, like always. Liam didn't acknowledge that I was telling him this, so there was nobody else to ask if it was the right decision or not. So in retrospect, I had slipped on silver heels, and a light pink dress that ends to my knees. The thing that I admired about it, was that the top of the dress was strapless, and diamonds with sparkles were scattered all around it. My hair wasn't any different than before, I curled it and let it down.

Do I think I look pretty? No.

"Liam could you drive me?" I pleaded before I raced down the stairs. Although, nobody answered.


When I arrived downstairs, nobody was down there except for an empty house. Suddenly, loud pattering noises were coming from the kitchen, and I tensed up in fear. Debating if was Liam or not, my feet wouldn't move a muscle. I was definitely not set for these kind of situations. Then, realization struck me. It was my dog, Clifford. Clifford pounced onto me, and started to lick my face. I chuckled at my dogs behavior, whilst petting his coat of fur in a friendly manner.

"Hi Clifford." I smiled, kissing the top of his head.

He jumped off of me, and started to wag his tail, probably thinking I'd toss his toy for him. I reluctantly headed towards his basket of toys, and tossed him one, which he immediately ran for. I simply laughed at my dog once more before grabbing my phone and calling Liam. Except, to my advantage he didn't even answer. I should've expected this though, since he admitted to thinking I was annoying. Scratch that, opened my blind eyes to the truth, since I'm an annoying little sister. I dialed Mabel's number instead, and finally she picked up.

"Already here girly, I knew you'd need a ride." Mabel snickered before ending the call, and leaving me shocked. How could she possibly know?

I walked outside, locking my door and slipping my keys into my purse. Mabel honked her car horn, and I subconsciously headed towards her car. When I got in, I buckled my seatbelt and she drove off in less then a millisecond. Typical Mabel.

"How'd you know I'd need a ride?" I asked, since I was dying to know.

"Well, I could tell that your brother wasn't the happiest with you since at dinner he completely ignored you. Plus, your parents were to caught up with there work to even notice you were going to a party." She nonchalantly answered, "Why is Liam mad at you anyway? I thought you two were like best siblings for life!"

"Honestly, Mabel. I don't even know what is wrong with him." I sighed, leaning my head against the car window.

"Aw, cheer up Ari. Things will be just fine." She said, like everybody else.

I nodded, before I noticed we stopped at a gigantic mansion. Lights were flashing, and so was the pumped up music. When I walked in, Charli XCX started to play, and I couldn't help but sway to the music whilst following Mabel to where ever the heck we were going. Soon, Mabel stopped at a group of friends talking about random stuff. I had assumed these were Mabel's friends.

"Hey Niall!" Mabel greeted, waving dramatically to a blue eyed boy.

"Oh! 'Ello Mabel!" The boy answered, with a thick Irish accent.

Niall looked at me from head to toe, nodding in what seemed to be approval. He looked dashing in his plaid flannel and ripped jeans, maybe I should use the word, rebellious? Yes, he looked rebellious. He seemed friendly and genuine, somebody I didn't quite expect to see hanging around Mabel. She seemed like she would hang with slightly tougher kids who were 'to cool for school'. Pardon my 90's reference.

"And who might this be?" Niall questioned.

"I'm Paris." I fluently answered, ridding of my shy exterior, "One of Mabel's friends. It nice to meet you."

Niall highly laughed at my response, and I couldn't help myself, I laughed to. I don't even know what intrigued me to laugh, but I think it was the fact that Niall's loud laugh was quite contagious.

"It's nice to meet you too." He finally replied after practically an hour of laughter.

For awhile, we started to talk about random stuff, and I got to know a little more about Niall.

For instance, he loved skateboarding, playing GTA (Grand Theft Auto) and eating Nando's practically everyday. He seemed like a chill kind of teenage boy.

Mabel and Niall got in a deep conversation, and I was sure it didn't involve me, so I left letting the two love birds talk. I roamed around the mansion, and admired how huge it was. Paintings, which were sadly knocked down, were absolutely beautiful, and not to mention the furniture that stood atop the ground. I was quite jealous of how beautiful their house was.

I accidentally bumped into somebody while I was walking around, and immediately started to apologize.

"It's fine." A very familiar voice chuckled. So I turned around, and found my brother walking away from me.

"Liam?" I called out, making him snap his head towards me.

"Paris?!" He shouted, stomping over to me in absolute anger.

I took small steps back, scared of what Liam might do, I was never use to his lash outs. And I certainly don't want to be. I'm already having trouble with him ignoring me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Mabel invited me."

His face was turning red with anger. Why I wasn't suppose to be here was totally out of my reach, but now I just really wanted to go home.

"You shouldn't be here Paris, it's not safe. He's here." He mumbled the last part, like I wasn't suppose to hear it. Sadly, I had and I was about to ask who he was speaking about.

"Who's here?" I snapped, standing my ground.

"None of your of concern." He sighed, walking towards me, frustration etched on his face.

"Liam Payne! I insist that you tell me exactly what's going on!"

"Fine." He huffed, "Harry is here. That's who."

{Sorry for awful chapter. Love y'all! Vote. Comment. And/or follow moi!}

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