Ch. 15; Kiss

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Authors P.O.V

Paris and Louis were laughing like actual mad fools, whilst Liam on the other hand scowled at them. Sure it was funny at first, Liam thought. And honestly, he's absolute right. Nobody can blame him for mud being covered all over his body, when we all know that it was Paris' and Louis' fault.

The next move for poor Liam, was to take a dreaded shower. He never really liked them, what kid did though?

Paris and Louis calmed there laughter and headed for the rusty swing set. It was always there 'happy' place, where things were always grand and peaceful. No fights, or unworthy name calling ever happened at this swing set. Oh no, smiles and unforgettable jokes were brought upon each child, and even adult who sat on this set of swings.

"Good job, Louis." Paris complemented, raising her hand up for Louis to high five.

Like usual, Paris was staring off into the distance deep in thought. The one thing that came to her mind a whole lot was how much she liked Louis. She thought of how much she enjoyed his pranks towards Liam, because we all know they're quite hysterical. She admired his eyes, and smile. Sure they were only ten at the time, but she still felt something for this strange boy.

Now, if we go to Louis on the right, we see him staring at Paris. He also had a liking in her. He loves her smile, and laugh. But he doesn't have the courage to ever tell her his feelings. He believes, she doesn't feel the same way he does.

Things can change in eight years though. For instance, Paris still has a place for Louis in her heart, but she'll never ever think of being with him. Maybe it's because she is in love with Harry but doesn't know it yet. Or maybe it's because he hurt her too many times to count.

Things haven't changed for Louis, he is in love with Paris but doesn't want to tell Paris that. Because he knows she does not feel the same way.

It's funny how life works, huh? It's even more astonishing how love works. You'll never know where it leads you. Well, up until you find your destination, that is.

"Beautiful..." Louis whispered under his breath.

"What?" Paris asked, somewhat hoping that he was talking about her.

"Uh, the sky!" Louis 'lied'. Because in retrospect, he was talking about Paris.

My home, this will always be my home...

Paris' P.O.V

I sat in the school library reading more about the gang building fire. There wasn't really much more to know about, and I was afraid that I'd never get to crack the mystery. Although, one thing stuck out in this article. Apparently burned money had been found at the scene of the crime. The reason behind it was not identified, and the police gave up on the situation after a month. It really bugged me that the cops would give up on this, but my reason is mostly because I don't have enough information to find out why Louis owes Harry money.

I still keep telling myself that I shouldn't be snooping around, but I just can't stop. I'm itching to know the reason, and for some reason I want to help Harry with the issue.

Suddenly, a chair screeched making me slam my laptop and look at who just made that ear piercing sound.

"Louis." I groaned, putting my laptop away so he wouldn't suspect anything.

"Thought I'd find you here." He chuckled, sitting across from me.

I was shocked, and frustrated at the same time. Why would he even dare to come over to me? He freakin' kissed me without my god darn permission. I'm even contemplating if I liked it or not, and I seriously shouldn't even be worrying about it! Louis makes me so mad, and not 'at times', all the time. He's absolutely obnoxious and immature. He can't just simply bully me for two years, then kiss me like I wouldn't care about what he had done to me anymore.

"May you please leave." I asked as calmly as I could.

"I need to talk to you though." He pouted.

"Why? Why me, out of all people?" I scoffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Because Paris, I'm sorry for what I've done. I was a complete jerk, and not to mention idiot for doing something so cruel to you."

"Even if I did forgive you, Tomlinson. You'd simply just go back to your diabolical ways." I shrugged, grabbing my backpack to leave, but Louis had other plans.

"Wait!" He shouted, causing the other students to shush him. "I-I'm in l-l, oh god I sound so stupid."

I cocked my head to the side. What was he trying to say? Probably something stupid just to tease me. So I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels to just get away from Louis. Except, of course he had to get my attention once more.

"Paris!" He whisper-yelled.

"What?" I snapped turning around to not just look at him, but glare at him.

"What I was trying to say, was that," He breathed in, "I'm in love with you."

My breath hitched in my throat, and a laugh was itching to come out. Suddenly my palms began to become sweaty, and I had no idea what the next move was suppose to be. Nobody has ever admitted that they 'loved' me, other than my brother, but that certainly doesn't count. I was even flabbergasted at the fact that Louis was the one to say he loved me. Well, I guess I never really thought anybody would admit they were in love with me. Because like I said before, I'm just me. Nobody special.

For some odd reason, all I could think about was Harry. What would he think about this? I mean, I know he doesn't like me in any way, shape or form, but still. Why am I thinking of him in a situation like this?

Was this some kind of sick joke that Louis was playing? Probably so, but it didn't feel like that. It seemed like he meant it. That or, he takes acting classes.

I gulped, and looked straight into Louis' somehow, vulnerable eyes. And melted right there. He started to inch closer, and I couldn't move in my place, as if I was paralyzed. I felt like he had put some sort of spell on me, to let him walk over to me. Usually, I'd cower away. Or even worse, cry. Every time I cry in front of Louis, a smile would creep onto his face as if he felt accomplished for making me feel terrified. I remember once though, a girl was laughing at me and Louis ended up being the one to end the unstoppable laughter. Why? I guess, this would be the reason why.

"I'm sorry." He apologized in a deeper voice. "I was mad that you didn't remember me, and the fact that Liam was here too. I would never want to hurt you. If I could take it back, I would. I promise. Just give me, a chance."

Suddenly, he smashed his lips onto mine. And the bad thing about our 'second' kiss, was I didn't push him off, or anything. I kissed back.

{Oh no she didn't! Hehe. Okay, so what'd you think? I would tell you what you may or may not want to hear, but then I'd spoil the story. Hope you liked it! Vote. Comment. And/or follow me!}

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