Christmas Gift (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2

It was 4:30 in the morning and your eyes opened... You looked around your table to find the switch for the lamp to turn it on... You were half asleep and while you were searching for the switch you dropped your alarm clock and got scared by the sudden noise... You suddenly woked up from your bed to see what have been dropped and see that your Alarm Clock was broken into pieces... You regretted not being careful... As that was the Alarm Clock you got from your Mom while she was taking her last breathe... Even though it ain't the only thing you got from her but still you felt sad... You got many gifts from your parents but all you wished was for a 'Christmas Gift'.... Because when my parents died, The day was Christmas Eve and I lost my parents at such a happy and a gloriuos day... They were on the way to the home bringing me my 'Christmas Gift' but who knowed that they would never be able to reach home... On the way, They met a tragic accident which bleeded them till the much extent... We received a call from the hospital that they were caught in a Car Accident and are in the hospital... My mother survived till the way to the hospital but my dad was unable to, He died right after the sudden accident... After reaching hospital, Me and my Grandma were too panicked... We went to the hospital immediately... And what I saw still haunts me... I saw my mom whole covered with blood over her forehead and my dad was covered with a white cloth with blood stains around it.. My mom tried saying some things to me as her last words...
"Baby! Mama will have to go now.. Take care! Study hard and make your dream come true.. When you become a doctor, Mama and Papa will be proud of you! " Saying this she died.
After then, I went to the car they were coming from and saw a box decorated with Christmas decorations... I opened the box to see what is in there while crying but there was nothing... Someone stoled it!... I asked people around if they saw any human stealing anything from the car but they had no response... That is how I am always longing for a 'Christmas Gift'.....

...... Next Chapter will be released shortly.... Hope you like it..... 😃😃

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