Christmas Gift (Chapter 18)

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Chapter 18

Y/N P. O. V
He was preparing breakfast! For us both!
I gaved in and grabbed his waist and hugged him from back---
"Y/N?" He called while I hugged him suddenly!
He turned around removing his appron and looked into my eyes holding my face with his hands....
"Good Morning!" He said smiling brightly!
Even though he knewed what happened last night! Even though he knewed that I was not ready to accept him going abroad but he still flashed me a smile more bright than a sun!
I gaved In immediately and blabbered out somehow!
"Go! You can go! But you will have to promise me! You will show up again! You will come back! After all that stuff you are, Coming back to me!" I said while tears easily rolled down....
"If you aren't ok with it I won't go-" He was to say further but this time I shut him up!
I pressed my lips into his and deepened the kiss! I rolled my tongue into his mouth and eated him very bad! Don't know from where but I wanted him!
After a while....
Tae broked the kiss while I still wanted to continue!
"Y/N! Listen to me!" He said in a serious tone"!
"No! I don't want you to repeat that thing again and again! I will not get you for a very long time as you are going to leave me soon! Let me have my moment now!" I again smashed my lips into his!
He broked it off again and said!
"It's not like I don't want to kiss you back but you are being late for work!"
I then realised that he was true! I had to go to work! But then, I even realised that I can take a holiday twice in a month! And yet I haven't taken any holiday for my purpose!
"Tae!" I looked at him smiling!
"What? Go get ready! You are still on your PJ's!" He said while making a confused face!
"I can take a holiday twice in a month! You know that, don't you?" I said while showing him my teeth as I was enjoying teasing him!
"Oh! I forgot! Then what will my baby girl do with me alone at home? Won't you get bored out?" He said while holding my waist!
"Whatever!" And I smashed my lips onto him again!
"You really are horny today!" He managed to say between the kiss and kissed me back....
He slowly pushed me to the stairs and carried me while grabbing my ass!...
He climbed the stairs while I was still in his hands clinged onto him!
He opened his room with one hand while kissing me and dropped me on the bed....
He removed his hoodie exposing his abs and six pecs and hoped onto me! Deepening into my mouth and the kiss!

I am not writing much into this part as I don't want to write things which is 18+ as I am just 14, you know! 😅😅 Anyways, Enjoy further...

After few hours...
Y/N P. O. V
I opened my eyes and I realised that Tae was showering as it was already 3:00 pm in the afternoon... It was time for lunch and well for the breakfast it looks we eated each other instead of food! Haha...
He was showering so I went in my room to shower as well... As it was too hot and the climate was not stable too!

Few days past....
Days were passing rapidly...... And I used to give half of my time to Tae as I knewed he will leave me for a very long time and won't be by my side further... I used to go to work and I tried not to make it much late and finished all my duties and would come home fast! I would cuddle with him the whole night and for last few days I would sleep with him in his room.... I was very scared of him leaving me!.... Even though he said we can keep contact through Calls and Video Calls.... I was still not at ease! Many days passes by and Tae received an email from the University yesterday!..... That he will have to catch his flight and flew to Los Angeles today at night 10:30 pm and that the ticket was already booked!... We both have talked and as you all know am gonna let him go and let him achieve his goal!... I spent the whole night with him in his embrace crying badly!...... As the morning grewed and it is the weekends so I still am with him!...... I helped him packing his things and we went to shop him some useful things! After coming back he got freshed and it was 6:45 pm in the evening! He spent the rest of the time with me as we watched a romantic movie!

After a while...
It was probably 9:30 pm now and he had to go in half an hour to catch his flight......
Seohyun and Jimin came to our house to give him farewell as he will be gone for a very long time!... They bought him gifts and Seohyun bought a big bucket of Ice cream for me.....
He got ready and we went to drop him at airport....

(On the Airport)
I kept crying for the whole day and my eyes were all swolllen!
"Babe! Please stop crying for my sake now!" He begged as his eyes filled with tears too!
"What can I even do? You leaving me like this is just not bearable!" I said while holding his hand tightly and gaved in crying badly..
He whipped my tears and "You really don't want you to say me a last good farewell! I will come back for sure! It would take more than a year! But I will be sure to come back! Trust me!" He said with concern.
I slightly smiled and said "Dumbo! I trust you more than anyone in this world, Even more than I trust myself! You will have to make sure to come back ASAP! I will be waiting for you!"
We attached our foreheads that the announcement was made!
*All the passengers with tonight's Los Angeles 10:30 pm flight's please go to the counter!*
As soon as it was announced Tae leaned closer and pulled me into a kiss!
He breaked off the kiss and said "I will make sure to come back! I will come back! Wait for me!" He said and ranned grabbing his luggage as fast as he could whipping his tears while running.....

Kim Taehyung P. O. V
I ranned as fast as I could as I thought that I would not be able to hold myself back if I stay with her one more second! And I dissapeared.... .

Y/N P. O. V
I watched him as he runned and I didn't hold him back because I knew what would happen! I just let him go like that and he just went like that! I wipped all my tears and decided not to cry because I knew he will come back!

...... Maybe I will just post 2 more Chapters of the story and then it will have a ending! ..... Next Chapter will be released shortly.... Hope you liked it! 😍😍

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