Chapter 1: Orientation

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Kay's POV

My ankles barked in pain as I ran across the courtyard.

I can't be late for Orientation. I want to set a good example for myself. Impressions matter!

I saw the rock half a second too late.  Suddenly I was hurtling at the ground. The taste of dirt and blood crept into my mouth as I picked my face up from the grass. I tried to stand up- and then squealed in pain. I'm fine. That's what I told myself and tried to stand again.
Okay. Not fine.

"I'd know those blonde waves anywhere." said a voice from behind me.

I sighed in relief as Alisa stretched out a hand and pulled me to my feet.
"Ow!" I squeaked

"Hey, take it easy." she said and wrapped my arm around her neck. I nodded my thanks and she smiled in return.  With her help I limped to the auditorium.

        "Kay! Alisa!" Naomi smiled and waved at us from her place leaning against the wall beside the entrance. I grinned and waved back frantically. "NAOMIIII" I screeched. A few other students gave us questioning looks as we all reunited.

        "Naomi," said Alisa, "can you please help me get Kay inside? Dumbass sprained her ankle trying to get here this morning." Naomi shook her head and sighed dramatically as she looped my free arm around her neck. "Always getting into trouble aren't ya Kay?" I smiled again and together we went inside and found a spot.

       The principal walked up to the podium and tapped the mic a few times. "Good morning, Sauriana Academy students!" The auditorium erupted in applause and Alisa, Naomi and I screeched with them.  The principal smiled genuinely before she spoke again. "I wish to welcome all new and returning students this year and speak on a few things before I dismiss you all. Firstly, Dorms this year will be randomly selected instead of alphabetical pairing. You can also request to dorm with someone but we only allow a max of three students per dorm. You can take up dorm registry with Miss Leopon." She gestured to an intimidating woman behind her. "We are also starting up a food drive going into this year to help less fortunate students in other areas of the world. You can donate supplies, canned foods, and toys for school children around the world. We strongly encourage all students to participate if you can."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of making children smile. To be able to bring happiness to others made me feel so fulfilled. I'd definitely ask the girls to come donate with me later after we sorted out dorm junk.

"Last but not Least, this is the first year Sauriana will be taking in exchange students! I'll take a moment to introduce them now." She introduced several students that all looked so different but all, collectively, were terrified.

"Lastly, our British students. These girls came from England and will be staying and studying with us for a semester." Six girls were introduced altogether. First, a short girl with bright orange hair, a blonde girl who wore a black ribbon in her hair, a shy girl with a brown braid, another shy brown haired girl, and a girl with dark pink hair. They were all cute and seemed nice enough, but it was the last girl that caught my attention.

She was short but held her head high. Her light blonde hair was braided and pinned neatly behind her head. She held a to-go cup in one hand and smiled confidently at the congregation of students before her. She scanned the crowd slowly. I nearly lost my breath when her bright blue eyes locked onto mine. I grinned as hard as I could at her and I could've sworn she smiled a teensy bit bigger.

"This is Darjeeling."

Oh gosh, what a pretty name. Compliments her gorgeous features...

"And with that, I dismiss you all. Please see Mrs. Krenn for your schedules and thank you for attending."

A/N: Sorry for a short chapter! Just wanted to introduce things.

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