First Day

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You took a deep breathe as you stopped walking and stared at the big beautiful gates of Walt Disney High. Many people walked passed you, going into the magnificent school building. The wind blew, making your (h/c) dance along with it.

Your pov,

This place is so beautiful.
I can't believe I am going to a huge school like this.

I started to feel nervous as I watched people walk pass me.
Stupid home schooling. I will never be able to make friends this way.

I shook my head and took a deep breathe again. You got this,(Y/n). I finally got to go to a real school after I moved here. I don't wanna be home-schooled again! I wanna start a new life and find many friends in (city name)! I calmed myself down, holding my book  tight to me. I took a deep breathe and prepared to walk into the school but, suddenly...someone bumped into me as he ran pass me in a hurry.


Oh great! I dropped my stuffs as I sighed and bent down to pick them. I wish I could use 'Wingardium Leviosa' to pick up my books like in Hogwarts Mystery game. It'd have made things much more easier. The person who ran into me, stopped running as he looked back and rushed back to me. "I am so sorry! Are you ok? Here let me help you,"he said as he bent down and helped me pick up my stuff.

"No, no, it's ok. I was in the way," I said, getting nervous as I have never really talked to a boy for a while now in person. "No, no. I was the one who bumped into you in a hurry and..."he stopped and our eyes, giving me a chance to take a good look at him.

He has white hair and ocean blue eyes with a little pale skin. And dear Walt, he was gorgeous.

We stared at each other for a while without saying anything before he blushed and snapped out of his gaze.
"Anyway, are you okay?" he asked, smiling at me nervously as he scratched the back of his neck in a sheepish manner. "I am ok, really. How about you?" I asked and he smiled sweetly.

"I am good. You...go to this school? I haven't seen you around before," he said, pointing to my new school. "Uhh...yea, I just moved here and well, today's my first day," I said and he nodded in an understanding way. "Ahh...I see. I go to a different school over there, see that tower?" he said as he pointed to a tower of which seemed to be another high school.

Despite only seeing the tower of the school and the fact that there were trees blocking my view, I could tell that the school is as magnificent as Walt Disney High. I nodded and the person smiled at me sweety before he looked like he remembered something.

"Oh, shoot! Umm...I gotta go, I see you around then?" he asked, starting to rush again.
"Umm...sure, I guess," I said and he smiled, causing my heart to skip a beat. Omg, I can't possibly start having a crush right after I just moved here!

"Great! See ya around, snowflake!" he said as he waved at me and quickly started running down the road. Snowflake? Did he just call me snowflake? I smiled as I held my stuffs closer to me, carefully. I didn't even catch his name. Well, at least I am not ignored like before.

I took one more deep breathe before I started walking into the school building.
Omg, so many people. I started to feel nervous and shy again.
'Come on, you can do this! Do it like before!' I mentally scolded myself.

Soon, I reached to my locker and put my stuffs in. After a minute or two later, I felt someone tapped on my shoulder so, I turned around to see three girls smiling at me.

"Hello!" the girl with perfectly braided brown hair said, waving at me.
"Heyy!"the girl with a very long blonde hair said. Wow, her hair is so long and beautiful. And when I said 'long,' I meant really really long. "Heyy!"the girl with a very beautiful red hair said as she smiled at me sweetly.

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